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Question American English Answer American English
But that’s where we CONFLICT—I believe we need a fresh approach!
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I think we should stick to the original plan.
But that’s where we CLASH—I believe we need a fresh approach!
But the new approach is more efficient—we can’t ignore that ARGUMENT!
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Dispute ?
But the new approach is more efficient—we can’t ignore that DISPUTE!
I really think we should stick to the original plan.
Dragged, pulled
I just PULLED my suitcase up three flights of stairs!
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I just HAULED my suitcase up three flights of stairs!
Dragged, pulled
No wonder you're out of breath!
This watch isn’t real gold! You lied to me. That’s DISHONESTY!
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This watch isn’t real gold! You lied to me. That’s DECEIT!
I prefer to call it "creative marketing."
Hunter, stalker
Did you see that lion? It’s a real HUNTER, waiting for the perfect moment to strike!
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Did you see that lion? It’s a real PREDATOR, waiting for the perfect moment to strike!
Hunter, stalker
Yeah, nature is brutal. But that’s how it survives.
This candle has a lovely FRAGRANCE. Do you have more like this?
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This candle has a lovely SCENT. Do you have more like this?
Yes! We have a whole section of floral fragrances over here.
Wander, roam
Excuse me, I think I WANDERED from my hotel. Can you help me find Main Street?
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Excuse me, I think I STRAYED from my hotel. Can you help me find Main Street?
Wander, roam
Sure! Just go two blocks straight and take a left.
Off you go
You’re good to go
That’s all for today’s lesson. YOU’RE GOOD TO GO!
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That’s all for today’s lesson. OFF YOU GO!
You’re good to go
Thanks, see you tomorrow!
Rumbling off
Driving away noisily
Yeah, I’ve said what I needed to. DRIVING AWAY NOISILYnow.
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Yeah, I’ve said what I needed to. RUMBLING OFF now.
Driving away noisily
You're really leaving just like that?
Hide in court
Conceal in trial
You can’t just CONCEAL IN TRIAL. The judge will ask you directly.
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You can’t just HIDE IN COURT. The judge will ask you directly.
Conceal in trial
I know, but I’m nervous! What should I say?
Stay too long
Oh, I didn’t realize I STAYED TOO LONG. I’ll get going now!
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It’s getting late. Do you need a ride home?
Stay too long
Oh, I didn’t realize I OVERSTAYED. I’ll get going now!
Tumbling down
Collapsing, falling apart
Oh no! The books are COLLAPSING!
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Oh no! The books are TUMBLING DOWN!
Collapsing, falling apart
Sorry! I didn’t mean to knock them over!
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We’d love for you to BE INCLUDED IN THISnew project.
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We’d love for you to BE FEATURED IN THISnew project.
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That sounds amazing! What’s the role?

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