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if something such as a product, play, or idea is not successful because people do not like it - wpadka, klapa, wtopa //
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flop, bummer
a careless or stupid mistake - pomyłka, błąd, gafa
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a statement saying that someone is guilty of a crime or of doing something wrong - zarzut, oskarżenie
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to persuade someone to do something or go somewhere, usually by offering them something that they want - kusić / wabić //
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entice / lure
a difference between two amounts, details, reports etc that should be the same - niezgodność, rozbieżność
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a situation in which someone has to leave their job, because they are no longer needed - redukcja (etatów)
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to use something that is available in order to achieve something or get an advantage for yourself - skorzystać z czegoś, zrobić z czegoś użytek
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make use of sth
Staraj się dobrze wykorzystać swój czas
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Try to make good use of your time
Jak możemy z tego zrobić dobry uzytek?
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How can we make good use of it?
used to say that a particular action, idea, statement etc was not useful or did not produce the result that was hoped for - To tyle jeśli chodzi o ... coś
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So much for sth
Nie dotrzymał kolejnego terminu. To tyle jesli chodzi o jego dobre chęci (intencje)
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He didn't meet another deadline. So much for his good intentions
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to explain, describe, or examine something in detail - wyjaśniać coś, wchodzić w coś np szczegóły
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go into sth
Nie chcę teraz wchodzić w szczegóły (SLANG)
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I don't wanna go into details now
Mam nadzieję że to pomoże
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I hope that helps
Daj mi znać, jeśli potrzebujesz czegoś jeszcze
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Let me know if you need anything else
very quickly - w mgnieniu oka, w okamgnieniu, natychmiast, bez wahania, od razu
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in the blink of an eye
Wszystko wydarzyło się w mgnieniu oka
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It all happened in the blink of an eye
pobity, napadniety
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get mugged
ubrać się / rozebrać się / przebrać się
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get dress / undress / change one's clothes

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