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to niesamowite
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it's amazing
Brawo! Dobra robota
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well done
ile to kosztuje?
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how much is it?
ile płacę?
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how much do I pay?
to jest bardzo drogie
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it's very expensive
to jest za drogie
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it's too expensive
mogę zapłacić 20 euro
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i can pay 20 euros
nie mogę więcej zapłacić
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I can't pay more
nie chce więcej zapłacić
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I don't want to pay more
zgadza się
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that's right
żaden problem
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no problem
mam czas
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I have the time
nie mam czasu
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I don't have the time
o co chodzi?
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what's the matter?
dobra robota
start learning
good job

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