2021 07 27 Praise 2

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zacząć rozmowę
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to strike up a conversation
zaczął rozmowę
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he struck up a conversation
nudny formularz / kwestionariusz
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a dull questionnaire
rozdawać ulotki
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hand out flyers [US]; distribute leaflets [UK]
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dobry uczynek
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a good deed
należy odpłacać dobrem za dobro
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one good turn deserves another
powiedzić komuś komplement
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to pay a compliment to somebody
pochlebia mi to
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I'm flattered
nie doceniać
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Można z tym przesadzić
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you might overdo it
oddawać znaczenie
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to convey meaning
Doceniam to, że...
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I appreciate that...; I appreciate the fact that...

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