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test leku
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medical trial
eksperymentalne leczenie
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experimental treatment
Migrena kiedyś mnie unieruchamiała
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to immobilise
My migraine used to immobilise me.
wysokie ciśnienie
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high blood pressure
To nie potrwa długo.
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It will not last long.
owinąć coś
Zawinęłam to w ładny papier.
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to wrap sth
I wrapped it in nice paper.
Chciałam go wspierać.
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I wanted to support him.
To tylko mżawka, nie potrzebujesz parasola.
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It's just a drizzle, you don't need an umbrella.
włamać się do domu
Włamano im się do domu.
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to break into the house
Someone broke into their house.
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you're making this up
poprosili mnie, ABYM ZROBIŁA coś
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they asked me TO DO sth
na L4
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on sick leave

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