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a series of unpleasant events you cannot tolerate any longer.
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last straw
mocking sexual fantasies
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kink shaming
jąkać się
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to stammer
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to break up with someone
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to dump somebody
Natalie dumped Mike.
a calm, quiet person
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a low-key person
low-key relationship
Jeśli będziemy tak dalej postępować.
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If we keep going this.
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zdarzyć się
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to occur
efekt domina
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ripple effect
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kneel - knelt - knelt
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okazać wdzięczność
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to show gratitude
to appreciate the courage
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to recognize the courage.
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hołd dla niej
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tribute TO her
to want
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to fancy
What do you fancy for breakfast?
When you are utterly shocked
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to be dissapointed or upset (very British word)
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to be gutted ABOUT
Are you gutted about your job?
disgusting, unpleasant (very British word)
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Would you mind take out this icky bag of rubbish?
If you are uncertain about something (very British word)
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to be iffy ABOUT sth
She seems iffy about this idea.
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My grandmother is going to get flu jab next week.
okaleczone dzieci
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maimed children
zwrócić uwagę
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to take noticed to
zająć stanowisko (w jakiejś sprawie)
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to show stance
świadome wybory
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informed choices
The truth you have to face to
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The truth to grapple with
borykać się
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to grapple
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unstable situation
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volatile situation
a little known person
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a low-key person
It's not a question to ask of a low-key person like me.
everyday life
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day to day life
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Spending time with your kids is irreplaceable.
To utrzymuje mnie w napięciu.
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This keeps me hooked.
delektować się
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to savor
It's like savoring a good dessert.
wypożyczyć książkę z biblioteki
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borrow a book from the library
Co przykuje twoją uwagę następnym razem?
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What catches your eye next?
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1. an attempt, first steps 2. to invase sb's
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foray (into)
first foray into the market
Jestem szczególnie chętny, aby poznać twoje wnętrze.
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I'm particularly eager to explore your interior.
zmienić kształt granic
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to reshape Europe borders
rozpalić na nowo
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to reignite
ponownie połączyć
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to reconnect
pobudzić swoją pamięć
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to jog your memory
wszechstronny, kompletny
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well-rounded education
być połączonym
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to be interconnected
Events are interconnected.
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What is one era outside the Napoleonic Wars that you are curious about?
ponowne przeglądanie materiałów
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revisiting materials
1. brudna robota 2. slangowe określenie na rzeczy związane z seksem.
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dirty stuff
to be into dirty stuff

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