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wspomnieć komuś o czymś
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mention to sb about sth
I think I mentioned him to you.
okazja do -
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oportunity to -
być starszym/młodszym niż
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to be older/younger than
You're older than me by three years. You're three years older than me
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śmiać się z kogoś
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laugh with someone
być wyrozumiałym dla czegoś
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to be understanding of sth
zdolność do czegoś
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capability to sth
umiejętność zrobienia czegoś
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ability to do something
ability = capability = capacity
zwolnić kogoś
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lay off/ dismiss/ fire/ give sb a sack
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przyznawać, że -
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acknowledge that -
I acknowledged that it was my fault.

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