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Question Answer
bać się
start learning
afraid of
zły na
start learning
angry at
start learning
apologise to
spierać się z
start learning
argue with
dotrze o
start learning
arrive at
zapytać o
start learning
ask for
zły w
start learning
bad at
dobry w
start learning
good at
tak dobry jak
start learning
as good as
Wierzyć w
start learning
Believe in
start learning
bored with
troszczyć się o
start learning
care about
start learning
close to
start learning
crazy about
okrutny dla
start learning
cruel to
start learning
curions about
radzić sobie z
start learning
deal with
odjazd z
start learning
departure from
różni się od
start learning
differnt from
Nie zgadzać się z
start learning
disagree with
śnić o
start learning
dream about
uciec od
start learning
escape from
start learning
example of
doskonała w
start learning
excellent at
mieć dość
start learning
Fed up with
zapomnij o
start learning
forget about
start learning
full of
start learning
frightened of
szczęśliwy z powodu
start learning
happy about
start learning
interested in
zazdrosny o
start learning
jealous of
start learning
join in
start learning
joke about
wiedzieć o
start learning
know about
chętny na coś
start learning
keen on sth
start learning
Kind to
śmiać się z
start learning
laugh at
start learning
listen to
Patrzeć na
start learning
Look at
start learning
married to
start learning
nerrvous about
start learning
nice to
pacjent z
start learning
patient with
Zapłacić za
start learning
Pay for
Płacić gotówką
start learning
Pay in cash
start learning
picture of
dumny z
start learning
proud of
przypomnij SB o
start learning
remind SB about
odpowiedzialny za
start learning
reponsible for
start learning
result of
rude to
start learning
rude it
scred of
start learning
scred of
start learning
scared of
podobny do
start learning
similar to
Uśmiechnij się do
start learning
smile at
start learning
solition to
zaskoczony o
start learning
suprised at
porozmawiaj z SB o
start learning
talk to SB about
Myśleć o
start learning
Think about
Poczekaj na
start learning
wait for
martwić się o
start learning
worry about
Napisz do
start learning
write to
Czy chciałbyś
start learning
Would you like to
na lotnisku
start learning
at the airport
na przystanku autobusowym
start learning
at the bus stop
przy drzwiach
start learning
at the door
start learning
at first
w chwili obecnej
start learning
at the moment
w nocy
start learning
at night
na wybrzeżu
start learning
at the seaside
przy stole
start learning
at the table
w weekend
start learning
at the weekend
w pracy
start learning
at work
o 7 godzinie
start learning
at 7 o'clock
na pamięć
start learning
by heart
przez przypadek
start learning
by accident
przez telefon
start learning
by Phone
tak poza tym
start learning
by the way
start learning
by car
start learning
by train
start learning
by bus
na sprzedaż
start learning
for sale
na spacer
start learning
for a walk
przez chwilę
start learning
for a while
w centrum, w środku
start learning
in the Centre of
w dobrym stanie
start learning
in good condition
w złym stanie
start learning
in bad condition
w niebezpieczeństwie
start learning
in danger
w rzeczywistości
start learning
in fact
w środku
start learning
in the middle of
w kontakcie
start learning
in touch
na diecie
start learning
on a diet
na podłodze
start learning
on the floor
w poście
start learning
in the post
start learning
in the morning
w radio
start learning
on the radio
start learning
on time
na wycieczce
start learning
on a trip
start learning
out of order
start learning
you should
nie powinieneś
start learning
you shouldn't
start learning
you must
w poniedziałek
start learning
on monday
w sobotę
start learning
on saturday
w styczniu
start learning
in january
w lutym
start learning
in february

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