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trzymac utrzymac
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get together
zbierac sie gromadzic
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learn by heart
uczyc sie na pamiec
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go to
uczeszczac na cos
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show their respect to
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a step further
bring in
wprowadzac/przedstawiac sie
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miasto rodzinne
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the place where you were born
to treasure the time
cenic czas
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to respect every moment
extended family
rodzina wielopokoleniowa
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family conssisting of mamy generation
szczesliwy zachwycony
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happy cheerful pleased
to support somebody
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to help sb
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if sb is your inspiration you want follow him be like him
lead role
glowna rola
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the most important part in a play
to afford
stac na cos
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to have enough money to buy something
miejsce spotkania
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a place of meeting
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jaka jest najbardziej charakterystyczna cecha twojego charakteru?
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what is the most distinctive travit of your character
wazne zeby zachowac spokoj podczas egzaminu
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it is important to stay calm during an exam
myslę ze nadszedl czas zeby zrobic krok naprzod
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i think that the time has come to make a step further
nie powinieneś gardzic ludzmi ktorzy majà mniej pieniedzy od ciebie
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tou shouldnt looking down on people who have less money than you
on jest najbardziej zapominalską osobą jaką znam
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he is the most forgetful person who i know
on jest zazdrosny o swojego brata
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he is jealous of his brother
ona wyglada troche tak jak ty
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she looks a bit like tou
zaczynam powoli miec dosyc jej zachowania
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im getting
doszla do wniosku ze chce zmienic prace
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she has come to the conclusion that she should change her job
zawiaz buty albo sie przewrocisz
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do up your shoeleises or you will trip
czasami trudno mu jest wyrazic swoje uczucia
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sometimes its hard fot him to express his feelings
szuka pracy na pol etatu
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she is looking for a part-time job
prowadzi biznes od prawie dziesieciu lat
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he has run his own company for almost 10 years
poprosil bank o pozyczke ale mu odmowili
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he asked a bank about loan but they refased him
zeby przyciagnac nowych klientow proponuja znizki
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to attract new costumers they offer discounts

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