Wyjazd do Angli

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dzień dobry
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Good morning.
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Good night.
czy mogę prosić o szklane wody
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Can I ask for glass water?
dzień dobry jestem kinga Jałowiczor
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Good morning, I'm King Jałowiczor
co chcecie dziś na obiad
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What do you want for dinner today
oto wasz pokuj
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behold, your room
idźcie się umyć
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go to wash
skąd jesteście i ile macie lat
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where are you from and how old are you
dzień dobry wróciłyśmy
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good morning, we came back
dobry wieczór
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Good evening.
do widzenia
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ok idziemy spać dobranoc
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ok, we are going to sleep goodnight

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