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zadarty/zadarty nos
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upturned/ snub nose
Rzymski nos
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Roman nose
prosty nos
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straight nose
nos orła
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eagle-like nose
haczykowaty nos
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hooked nose
mieć piercing
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to have piercing
odstające uszy
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protruding ears
nosić kolczyki
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to wear earrings
nosić ćwieki
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to wear studs
nosić obręcze
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to wear hoops
namiętne usta
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passionate lips
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to go Grey/ to turn grey
kasztanowe / kasztanowe włosy
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chestnut / auburn hair
Siwe/srebrne włosy
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Grey/ silver hair
włosy do ramion
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shoulder-length hair
włosy średniej długości
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medium length hair
nastroszone włosy
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spiky hair
farbowane włosy
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dyed hair
rozjaśnione włosy
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bleached hair
włosy po trwałej ondulacji
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permed hair
włosy ścięte na jeża
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crew- cut hair
włosy z grzywką
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hair with a fringe
włosy z przedziałkiem
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hair with a parting
włosy z pasemkami
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hair with highlights
nosić warkocze
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to wear pigtails
nosić kucyk
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to wear a pony-tail
nosić kok
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to wear a bun
nosić warkocze/ warkocze
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to wear braids/ plaits
nosić dredy
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to wear dreadlocks
nosić warkocze
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to wear cornrows
nosić irokeza/ irokeza
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to wear mohican/ a mohawk
nosić loki
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to wear ringlets

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