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czy chcesz zaczac od czegos do picia.
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would you like to start with something to drink?
czy jestes gotowy by zamowic, czy pptzebujesz jeszcze kilku minut?
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Are you ready to order, or would you need a few more minutes?
czy chcesz dodac jakies przystawki naprzyklad edmam3?
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Do you want to add some apetizers like edmam3?
smaczego. daj mi znac jesli bedzie potrzebiwac czegos jeszcze
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enjoy. let me know if you need anything else
jesli jestes w nastroju na sushi to polecam XXx, a jesli wolisz cos na cieplo to XXX tez jest popularnym wyborem
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If you're in the mood for sushi, I recommend XXx, and if you prefer something warm, XXX is also a popular choice
jak twoje jedzenie? chcesz deser albo wiecej napoi?
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How was your food? woyld you like desserts or more anything more to drink?
za kazdym razem gdy wydasz 50zl, dostanjesz pieczatke. za 10 pieczatek jest sta znizkaz
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every time you spend 50zl, you get a stamp. for 10 stamps there is a permanent discount
chcesz zaplacic karta czy gotowka?
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would you like to pay by card or cash?

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