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garaż lub warsztat samochodowy
a building where a car is kept, built next to or as part of a house: a place where cars are repaired: The car's still at the garage getting fixed.
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The car's still at the garage getting fixed.
prowadzić samochód z ręczną skrzynią biegów
Do you know how to ...?
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drive a stick
Do you know how to drive a stick?
a thin piece of wood or other material:
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jeździć na rowerze
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ride a bike
trąbić (klaksonem)
a short, loud sound made by a car horn or a goose: He gave us a ... on his horn as he drove off.
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honk (horn)
He gave us a honk on his horn as he drove off.
urządzić przedstawienie, robić zamieszanie
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make a scene
przywitać się (na luzie)
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say hi
prowadzić samochód
to move or travel on land in a motor vehicle, especially as the person controlling the vehicle's movement: I'm learning to...
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I'm learning to drive.
pieszy (osoba na ulicy)
a person who is walking, especially in an area where vehicles go: The death rate for ... hit by cars is unacceptably high.
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The death rate for pedestrians hit by cars is unacceptably high.
pierwszeństwo (na drodze)
the legal right to go first across a road, before other road users: Pedestrians have ... at this intersection.
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right of way
Pedestrians have right of way at this intersection.
zajmować (np. miejsce parkingowe)
to fill an amount of space or time: This desk ... too much room.
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take up
This desk takes up too much room.
miejsce parkingowe
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parking space
to put a vehicle in a place where it can stay for a period of time, usually while you leave it: Where have you ...?
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Where have you parked?
oddalony parking
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satellite parking lot
a place to which people take large things such as old furniture or machines that they no longer want; Bottles can also be collected from a ... and traded for money at an adjacent convenience store.
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Bottles can also be collected from a junkyard and traded for money at an adjacent convenience store.
kurczak z rożna
(a shop or restaurant that contains) a device for cooking meat, especially ..., by turning it round slowly near a flame or cooker
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rotisserie chicken
(a shop or restaurant that contains) a device for cooking meat, especially chicken, by turning it round slowly near a flame or cooker
ochota, chęć, pragnienie
a strong wish, especially one that is difficult or impossible to control: The two of them seem unable to control their sexual...
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The two of them seem unable to control their sexual urges.
zaszaleć z pieniędzmi
to spend a lot of money on buying goods, especially expensive goods: I can happily ... 3,000 pounds in one day.
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I can happily splurge 3,000 pounds in one day.
przednia szyba w samochodzie
the window at the front of a car, truck, etc.
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windshield / windscreen
a vehicle with an engine that uses both petrol and another type of energy, usually electricity: Most car manufacturers now offer...
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Most car manufacturers now offer hybrids.
wycieczka, podróż (najczęściej samochodowa)
a long trip or holiday taken by car: This summer we're going on a ... around Canada.
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road trip
This summer we're going on a road trip around Canada.
kierować się w stronę
If you are ... a bad situation, you are likely to experience it soon, because of your own actions or behaviour: The country is ... recession
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head for
The country is heading for recession
w trasie
traveling to different places: The band spends three months a year...
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on the road
The band spends three months a year on the road.
prywatny detektyw
a person whose job is discovering information about people. A private detective is not a government employee or a police officer: She hired a ... to find out if her husband was having an affair.
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Private investigator / eye / detective
She hired a private detective to find out if her husband was having an affair.
jechać ze zbyt dużą prędkością
very fast movement: Both cars were travelling at ... (= very fast) when the accident happened.
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Both cars were travelling at speed (= very fast) when the accident happened.
pościg samochodowy
the act of going after someone or something very quickly in order to catch him, her, or it: a tedious movie with endless .../police...
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car chase
a tedious movie with endless car/police chases
bezkolizyjna jazda (idealna kartoteka kierowcy / nigdy nie dostałem manadatu)
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perfectly driving record
to put something such as a plan or system in danger of being harmed or damaged: She knew that by failing her finals she could ... her whole future.
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She knew that by failing her finals she could jeopardize her whole future.
to tyle
an expression that shows that something has ended: I won't agree to it and ... (= I won't discuss it any longer).
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that's that
I won't agree to it and that's that (= I won't discuss it any longer).
dogonić (kogoś)
If something bad that you have done or that has been happening to you ... you, it begins to cause problems for you: His lies will ... him one day.
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catch up with
His lies will catch up with him one day.
wcisnąć gaz (przyśpiesz)
used to tell someone to drive faster or to hurry: Could you ...? I'm late.
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step on it
Could you step on it? I'm late.
a special strip of a road, sports track, or swimming pool that is used to keep vehicles or competitors separate: a bus/bike/cycle ... // I find driving in the fast ... very stressful.
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a bus/bike/cycle lane // I find driving in the fast lane very stressful.
skręcić ostro w lewo
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make a sharp left
skręcić w lewo
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make a left turn // turn left
cofać (samochodem)
to change the direction, order, position, result, etc. of something to its opposite: Now that you have a job and I don't, our situations are ... // to drive a vehicle backwards: She ... the car into the parking space.
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Now that you have a job and I don't, our situations are reversed. //She reversed the car into the parking space.
do przodu
towards the direction that is in front of you: You will run ... at my command. // Traffic moved ... at a crawl.
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You will run forward at my command. // Traffic moved forward at a crawl.
do tyłu
toward the direction that is opposite to the one in which you are facing or opposite to the usual direction: He took a step...
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He took a step backward.
uliczka, zaułek
a narrow road or path between buildings: She walked quickly down the...
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She walked quickly down the alley.
(of a person or possession) not found where you expect to find someone or something; lost or absent: When did you realize the money ...?
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go missing
When did you realize the money was missing?
to pay or receive a fixed amount of money for the use of a room, house, car, television, etc.: I ... a car from a garage so that I could get about.
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I rented a car from a garage so that I could get about.
wynajem na 2 dni
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2-day rental
to follow a person or animal by looking for proof that they have been somewhere, or by using electronic equipment: The military use radar satellites to ... targets through clouds and at night.
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The military use radar satellites to track targets through clouds and at night.
bramka na autostradzie / punkt poboru opłat
a special gate or line of gates on a road where drivers have to stop and pay a ...: Cameras at the ... will snap pictures of cars whose drivers don't pay the...
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toll booth
Cameras at the toll booths will snap pictures of cars whose drivers don't pay the toll.
tablica rejestracyjne
a sign on a road vehicle that shows its registration number
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number plate
zmora, utrapienie, wrzód na tyłku
someone or something that is annoying or difficult to deal with: One of my students is a real...
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pain in the neck
One of my students is a real pain in the neck.
z górki (zjazd)
moving) towards the bottom of a hill: The route is all ... from here to the finishing line.
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The route is all downhill from here to the finishing line.
pod górkę
leading to a higher place on a slope: running ... The runners began the ... climb to the finish line.
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running uphill // The runners began the uphill climb to the finish line.
kurs prawa jazdy
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driving course
jazda po mieście
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driving in traffic
próba, podejście
the act of trying to do something, especially something difficult: This is my second ... at the exam.
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This is my second attempt at the exam.
confused and not knowing where to go or what to do: Whales become ... in shallow water.
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Whales become disoriented in shallow water.
niewielkie umiejętności jako kierowca
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limited driving skills
wjechać na linie, przejechać linię
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cross a line
międzynarodowe prawo jazdy
official permission for someone to drive a car, received after passing a driving test, or a document showing this
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International license
w tamtym czasie
a particular period of seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, etc., during which something has been happening or is needed or available: She was very lonely...
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at that time
She was very lonely at that time.
podejść do egzaminu na prawo jazdy
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take a driving test
pozwolenie na pracę
an official document that gives permission to someone who is foreign to work in a country; The government refused to extend his...
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work permit
The government refused to extend his work permit.
dużo wolnego czasu
a period when you have nothing you must do: Now that she was retired, Mary found that she had...
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a lot of time on my hands
Now that she was retired, Mary found that she had a lot of time on her hands.
książęczka, broszura
a very thin book with a small number of pages and a paper cover, giving information about something; To introduce the tasks, the following information was provided on the cover page of the...
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To introduce the tasks, the following information was provided on the cover page of the booklets.
gubernator (stanu)
a person in charge of a particular political unit: the ... of Texas
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the governor of Texas
klepnięci po pleach
to praise someone for doing something good; You’ve done a great job, and you deserve a...
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pat on the back
You’ve done a great job, and you deserve a pat on the back.
prowadzić pojazd
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operate the vehicle
to show where something is by drawing or putting something somewhere: I've ... the route around the town's one-way system on the map.
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I've marked the route around the town's one-way system on the map. I've marked the route around the town's one-way system on the map.
fotel pasażera
The design includes several components such as driver seat, ... seat, handrail, instrument panel, steering wheel, foot board, and operation bar.
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passenger seat
The design includes several components such as driver seat, passenger seat, handrail, instrument panel, steering wheel, foot board, and operation bar.
zapisać się na
to agree to become involved in an organized activity: She's ... evening classes at the community college.
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sign up for
She's signed up for evening classes at the community college.
za ladą, w okienku
a long, flat, narrow surface or table in a shop, bank, restaurant, etc. at which people are served: There was nobody .../on ... when I went into the bank, and I had to wait to be served.
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behind the counter
There was nobody behind/on the counter when I went into the bank, and I had to wait to be served.
pytania wielokrotnego wyboru
... test or ... is one in which you are given a list of answers and you have to choose the correct one.: The test contains a lot of ... items.
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multiple-choice questions
The test contains a lot of multiple choice items.
na miejscu, od razu
at that moment or place: He was arrested...
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on the spot
He was arrested on the spot.
za mniej więcej miesiąc
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in a month or so
tak jak...
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as is the case...
skierowali mnie do
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pointed me to
drzwi od strony pasażera
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passenger door
o złowieszczym wyglądzie
suggesting that something unpleasant is likely to happen: There was an ... silence when I asked whether my contract was going to be renewed.
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There was an ominous silence when I asked whether my contract was going to be renewed.
podkładka z klipsem (do pisania)
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to direct other people's attention to something by holding out your finger towards it: Look at that!" she said, ... at the hole in the door.
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point to
Look at that!" she said, pointing at the hole in the door.
odpalić samochód, uruchomić silnik
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start the car
wycieraczki samochodowe
one of two long metal and rubber parts that move against a windshield to remove rain; The front of each car had no end doors; instead, the front window was slightly enlarged and was equipped with a...
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windshield wipers
The front of each car had no end doors; instead, the front window was slightly enlarged and was equipped with a windshield wiper.
one of the lights at the front and back of a road vehicle that flash to show which way the vehicle is turning; No left ... in the intersection is then necessary.
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turn signal / indicator
No left turn signal in the intersection is then necessary.
lusterko wsteczne w samochodzie
a mirror that allows a driver to see what is happening behind their car; I looked in my ... and to my horror saw a human skull mounted on the front of the vehicle.
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rearview mirror
I looked in my rearview mirror and to my horror saw a human skull mounted on the front of the vehicle.
boczne lusterko samochodowe (2)
a mirror on the outside of a car door that allows the driver to see the vehicles that are behind or passing; ... changed from a round to rectangular shape.
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side mirror
Side mirror changed from a round to rectangular shape.
światła przednie w samochodzie
a large, powerful light at the front of a vehicle, usually one of two: I could see a car's ... coming towards me.
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I could see a car's headlights coming towards me.
światła tylne
a red light on the back of a road vehicle that makes it possible for the vehicle to be seen in the dark;
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tail lights
światła cofania
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reversing lights
światła przeciwmgielne
a bright light on a vehicle, used in fog or other conditions when it is difficult to see: I think we need the ... on this morning.
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fog lights
I think we need the fog lights on this morning.
a device that makes a vehicle go slower or stop, or a pedal, bar, or handle that makes this device work: The driver suddenly put on his...
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The driver suddenly put on his brakes.
pedał gazu
accelerator; There are characteristic ways in which the vehicle accelerates in response to pressure on the...
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gas pedal
There are characteristic ways in which the vehicle accelerates in response to pressure on the gas pedal.
a device in a car or other vehicle that you press with your foot in order to change gears (= set of wheels that control power);
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ogrzewanie tylne szyby
to (cause to) become free of ice, or to (cause to) become no longer frozen:
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oprócz jednego
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but one
ulica na przedmieściach
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suburban street
parkowanie równoległe
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parallel park
nie mogłem powstrzymać się od śmiechu
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I couldn't help laughing
odległość, bliskość
the state of being near in space or time: The best thing about the location of the house is its ... to the town centre.
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The best thing about the location of the house is its proximity to the town centre.
to be or go before something or someone in time or space: Kofi Annan ... Ban Ki-moon as the Secretary-General of the UN.
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Kofi Annan preceded Ban Ki-moon as the Secretary-General of the UN.
słup latarni
a tall post with a light at the side of roads and in other public places; The important thing was that the ... should have been put up to give the people light.
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The important thing was that the lampposts should have been put up to give the people light.
patrzeć w obie strony, rozejrzeć się
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look both ways
An ... is a place where streets meet or cross each other: Times Square is one of New York’s busiest...
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intersection, crossing
Times Square is one of New York’s busiest intersections.
Someone who is ... avoids risks: He's a ... driver.
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He's a cautious driver.
to take hold of something or someone suddenly and roughly: mugger ... her handbag as she was walking across the park.
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mugger grabbed her handbag as she was walking across the park.
kierownica (samochodu)
a ... in a vehicle that the driver turns in order to make the vehicle go in a particular direction
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steering wheel
odpiąć (pasy)
to release the buckle (= metal fastener) of a shoe, belt, etc. so that you can remove it; Sarah ... herself, breaks the window and exits the vehicle.
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Sarah unbuckles herself, breaks the window and exits the vehicle.
pas bezpieczeństwa
a ... that fastens around you when you are travelling in a vehicle or aircraft and holds you in your seat, in order to reduce the risk of being injured in an accident: Please fasten/do up your...
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seat belt
Please fasten/do up your seat belts.
droczyć się z...
to treat someone in a bad, rude, or annoying way, or to start an argument with someone: I've warned you already, don't ...!
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mess with
I've warned you already, don't mess with me!
trzymać się z dala
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stay off
a wide road for fast-moving traffic, especially in the US, with a limited number of places at which drivers can enter and leave it: he Santa Monica...
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highway, motorway, freeway
he Santa Monica freeway
completely new, especially not yet used: How can he afford to buy himself a ... car?
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brand new
How can he afford to buy himself a brand new car?
skrzynka pocztowa
a metal container in the street or other public place in which you can put letters for them to be collected and sent to someone else; Every week we make our requests; they go into the ..., and then disappear.
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Mailbox, postbox
Every week we make our requests; they go into the postbox, and then disappear.
ponownie zdać egzamin
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retake the test
the idea of something that will or might happen in the future: The ... of spending three whole days with her fills me with horror.
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The prospect of spending three whole days with her fills me with horror.
sprawia, że musisz być czujny
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keeps you on your toes
popaść w rutynę
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fall into a habit
przepisy drogowe
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traffic law
musiałem tylko
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all I had to do was
tłumacz przysięgły
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Sworn Translator
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rysa, zadrapanie
a mark made by... ing: There was a ... on the CD.
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There was a scratch on the CD.
Umiem jeździć z ręczną skrzynią biegów.
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I know how to drive a stick
Czy tu można parkować?
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Is it ok to park here?
Codziennie jeżdżę autobusem
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I ride a bus every day
maska samochodu
the metal cover over the part of a car where the engine is: I looked under the ... and clouds of smoke poured out.
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Hood, bonnet
I looked under the hood and clouds of smoke poured out.
a covered space at the back of a car, for storing things in: Stolen goods were found in the ... of her car.
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trunk, boot
Stolen goods were found in the boot of her car.
klakson samochodu
a device on a vehicle that is used to make a loud noise as a warning or signal to other people: The driver blew/sounded (informal honked) her...
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car horn
The driver blew/sounded (informal honked) her horn.
hamulec ręczny
a device operated by hand that locks into position and prevents a vehicle from moving: You're supposed to put the ... on whenever you stop on a hill.
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handbrake, emergency brake, parking brake
You're supposed to put the handbrake on whenever you stop on a hill.
dać po hamulcach (mocno zahamować)
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slam on the brakes
pisk hamulców
to make a long, very high sound or cry: The brakes ... as the van rounded the corner.
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screech/squeal of brakes
The brakes squealed as the van rounded the corner.
hamować łagodnie
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brake gently
światło hamowania
one of the red lights at the back of a motor vehicle, that light up when the brakes are used
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brake light
a car without a roof and with only two seats;
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convertible, roadster
napęd na 4 koła
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4WD = 4-wheel drive
koło zapasowe
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spare wheel
ruch lewostronny
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left-hand traffic
parking wielopoziomowy
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parking garage / multi-storey car park
parking dla podjeżdżających do pracy
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park and ride
prowadzić autobus
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drive a bus
jechać autobusem (jako pasażer)
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ride a bus
a device in a vehicle that shows how fast the vehicle is moving;
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wskaźnik paliwa
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fuel gauge
Kończy nam się benzyna
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We're running out of gas/petrol
stacja benzynowa
a place where fuel is sold for road vehicles, often with a small shop
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petrol/gas station
Skończyła nam się benzyna
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We're out of petrol
a substance that is used to provide heat or power, usually by being burned: Wood, coal, oil, petrol, and gas are all different kinds of...
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Wood, coal, oil, petrol, and gas are all different kinds of fuel.
to put more ... into an aircraft, ship, etc. so that it can continue its journey
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to put more fuel into an aircraft, ship, etc. so that it can continue its journey
zatankować do pełna
to become full, or to make something become full: He ... the tank with petrol.
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fill up
He filled up the tank with petrol.
do pełna (nalać)
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fill it up
jedynka, pierwszy bieg (w samochodzie)
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first gear
najwyższy bieg
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top gear
zmieniać biegi w samochodzie
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shift/change gears
zmienić bieg na wyższy
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gear up
zredukować bieg
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gear down
na luzie
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out of gear
a device at the side of the road that you put money into so that you can leave your vehicle there for a particular amount of time;
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parking meter
mandat za złe parkowanie
an official notice put on your vehicle when you have parked illegally that tells you that you must pay a fine (= a punishment that involves paying an amount of money);
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parking ticket
parkingowy, parking z obsługą
the service offered by a restaurant, hotel, etc. of putting your car in a parking space;
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valet parking
blokada na koło samochodu
a metal device attached to the wheel of an illegally parked car that will only be removed when the owner pays an amount of money: I hope we're not going to find a ... on my car when we get back.
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wheel clamp
I hope we're not going to find a wheel clamp on my car when we get back.
a brand name for a device like a small bag, with a tube at one end, that the police can ask a driver to blow into to see how much alcohol the driver has drunk;
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wspólne dojeżdżanie do pracy autem
a group of people who travel together, especially to work or school, usually in a different member's car each day;
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ustąpić pierszeństwa
to stop in order to allow other vehicles to go past, especially before you drive onto a bigger road: f you're going downhill, you need to ... to bikers going uphill.
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f you're going downhill, you need to yield to bikers going uphill.
wepchnąć się przed kogoś
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cut sb off in traffic
mijać, wyprzedzać
to go past something or someone or move in relation to it, him, or her: You should only ... a slower vehicle if it is safe to do so.
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pass / overtake
You should only pass a slower vehicle if it is safe to do so.
pobocze (drogi)
an area along the side of a main road where cars can stop: There were tire tracks left in the soft ... (= area of dirt or grass by the road).
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shoulder, road side
There were tire tracks left in the soft shoulder (= area of dirt or grass by the road).
zatrzymać się, zjechać na pobocze
If a vehicle ..., it moves to the side of the road and stops:
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pull over
If a vehicle pulls over, it moves to the side of the road and stops:
stłuczka samochodowa
a road accident in which the vehicles involved are only slightly damaged;
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fender bender
błotnik (samochodowy)
one of the four parts at the side of a car that go over the wheels: There's a dent in the left...
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There's a dent in the left fender.
to (cause to) curve: The road ... to the left after the traffic lights.
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The road bends to the left after the traffic lights.
wypadek, z miejsca którego uciekł sprawca
a road accident in which the driver who caused the accident drives away without helping the other people involved and without telling the police: She was charged in relation to a ... after she allegedly left the scene of an accident.
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hit and run
She was charged in relation to a hit and run after she allegedly left the scene of an accident.
trzymaj się prawej strony
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keep right
Skręć w drugą w lewo
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Take a second left
to happen or move faster, or to make something happen or move faster: I think you need to ... a bit (= drive faster) - we're going to be late.
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speed up
I think you need to speed up a bit (= drive faster) - we're going to be late.
gaz do dechy
to drive as fast as possible: He was late and the road was clear, so he...
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floor it
He was late and the road was clear, so he floored it.
złapaliśmy gumę
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we got a flat
wjechać komuś w tyłek
to hit the back of one car with another in an accident: My new car was ... while it was parked outside the station.
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rear-end sb
My new car was rear-ended while it was parked outside the station.
Ktoś mi wjechał w tyłek
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I got rear-ended
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a thick rubber ring, often filled with air, that is fitted around the outer edge of the wheel of a vehicle, allowing the vehicle to stick to the road surface and to travel over the ground more easily: He was driving so fast that his car ... exploded.
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tire /tyre
He was driving so fast that his car tyre exploded.
a horizontal bar along the lower front and lower back part of a motor vehicle to help protect it if there is an accident
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szyberdach (w samochodzie)
part of a roof of a car that can be opened to allow air and light from the sun to come in
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stacyjka w samochodzie
the electrical system in an engine that causes the fuel to burn or explode in order to start the engine: Switch/Turn the ... on.
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Switch/Turn the ignition on.
rura wydechowa
the ... at the back of a vehicle or on a machine through which waste gas escapes from the engine
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exhaust pipe
the pipe at the back of a vehicle or on a machine through which waste gas escapes from the engine
laweta, samochód holowniczy
a ... with special equipment for pulling a vehicle that is not working to a place where it can be repaired
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tow truck
odnowić, wznowić
to increase the life of or replace something old: I forgot to ... my season ticket.
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I forgot to renew my season ticket.

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