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a bean sprout
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un germe di fagiolo
a beetroot
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una barbabietola
a broccoli
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un broccolo
a cabbage
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un cavolo
a carrot
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una carota
a cauliflower
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un cavolfiore
a celery
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un sedano
a cherry tomato
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un pomodoro ciliegia
a chili
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un peperoncino rosso
a cucumber
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un cetriolo
a horseradish
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un rafano
a leek
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un porro
a lettuce
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una lattuga
a mushroom
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un fungo
a pep
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un peperone
a potato
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una patata da tavola
a pumpkin
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Una zucca, una zucca
a radish
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un ravanello
a red / green pep
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un peperone rosso/ verde
a salad
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a shallot
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uno scalogno
a spring onion
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una cipolla bianca
a squash
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una zucca
a sweet potato
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una patata dolce
a tomato
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un pomodoro
a turnip
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un rapa
a zucchini
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una zucchina in scatola
an artichoke
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un carciofo
an asparagus
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un asperge
an ear of corn
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una pannocchia di granturco
an eggplant
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una melanzana
an onion
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una cipolla
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il bambù
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i fagioli
brussels sprouts
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i cavoli di Bruxelles
dried vegetables
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gli ortaggi secchi e i legumi secchi
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frozen vegetables
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le verdure surgelate
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gli OGM
green beans / french beans
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i fagiolini verdi
green leafy vegetables
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ortaggi a foglia verde
green peas / peas
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i piselli di piccole dimensioni
green vegetables
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le verdure verdi
green/red pep
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un peperone verde/rosso
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il cavolo riccio
kidney beans
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i fagioli rossi
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le lenti a contatto e
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la manioca
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peas / grean peas
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piselli/ piselli piccoli
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sui pesticidi
raw vegetables
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le crudité
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il rabarbaro
seasonal vegetables / in-season vegetables
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le verdure di stagione
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la soia
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gli spinaci
to grow vegetables
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far crescere le verdure
to peel the vegetables
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sbucciare gli ortaggi e le verdure
vegetable garden
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un (giardino) orto
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le verdure

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