Unit 4

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To świetnie!
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That's great!
To okropne!
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That's terrible
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How wonderful!
To straszne
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How awful
Jaka szkoda
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What a pity/What a shame
Przykro mi to slyszeć
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I'm sorry to hear that
Nie mogę w to uwierzyć
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I can't believe it
Nie obchodzi mnie to
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I do not care
to nie mój problem
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It is not my problem
głowa do góry
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cheer up
Nie martw się
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Do not worry
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take it easy
spokojnie nie denerwuj się
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Calm down
nie zlosc sie
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dont get angry
Jaki masz numer telefonu?
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What's your phone number?
cześć tu mówi arek
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hello this is Arek speaking
Czy moge rozmiawac z
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Can I speak to
przy telefonie
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prosze chwile poczekac
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hold on a second please
dzwonie w sprawie egzaminu z angielskiego
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I'm calling about the English exam
czy moglabym zostawic wiadomosc?
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could I leave a message?
czy mam cos przekazac
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Can i take a message
przepraszam sa jakies zaklocenia na lini
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sorry its a bad line
czy mozesz mowic glosniej?
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can you speak up please
zaraz padnie mi bateria
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my battery is about to die
Czy mogłabyś do mnie oddzwonić na numer 521
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Would you please call me back on 521
muszę kończyć porozmawiajmy później
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I've got to go. talk to you latter
dziekuje za telefon
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thank you for calling. bye for now

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