Train - Ceļojot ar vilcienu

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How long does the strike last?
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Cik ilgi notiek streiks?
Which platform does the train to New York depart from?
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No kuras paltformas atiet vilciens uz Ņujorku?
Is this train going to Atlanta?
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Vai šis vilciens dodas uz Atlantu?
I would like to talk to the conductor.
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also: konduktors
Es vēlētos runāt ar konduktoru.
train timetable
Where is the train timetable?
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vilciena kustības saraksts
Kur ir vilciena kustības saraksts?
baggage checkroom
I'd like to leave my luggage at the baggage checkroom.
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bagāžas glabātava
Es vēlētos atstāt savu bagāžu glabātavā.
railway, railroad
How old is this railroad?
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also: dzelzceļa līnija
Cik veca ir šī dzelzceļa līnija?
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"Latvian for travelling"
(total 445 flashcards)

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