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energetic chorus
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energiczny refren
lyrics - the words of a song
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tekst - słowa piosenki
as usual
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jak zwykle
in fact
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w rzeczywistości
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oczywiście / w oczywisty sposób
it sounds
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to brzmi
the same as
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tak samo, jak
other songs
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inne piosenki
the drum beat
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bicie bębna
start off with
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zacząć od
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great keyboards
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świetna gra na syntezatorze
it gets better and better
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robi się coraz lepiej
This song rocks!
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Ta piosenka wymiata!
If you're into something, it means you really like it.
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Jeśli coś cię interesuje, oznacza to, że naprawdę ci się podoba.
It isn't easy to listen to.
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Nie jest łatwo słuchać.
It sounds weird.
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To brzmi dziwnie.
It doesn't work for me.
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To nie działa na mnie.
This is Kate at her strangest.
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To Kate w najdziwniejszym wydaniu.
This is Jim at his best.
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To Jim w najlepszym wydaniu.

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