The library

 0    28 flashcards    Majka Lewandowska
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a library
słuchanie opowiadań
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listening to stories
oglądanie filmów na DVD
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watching movies on DVD
używanie komputera
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using a computer
czytanie książek
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reading books
czytanie magazynów
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reading magazines
szukanie informacji
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looking for information
odrabianie pracy domowej
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doing homework
pisanie e-maila
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writing an email
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comic book
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a notebook
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a dictionary
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a diary
Co robisz?
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What are you doing?
Piszę pamiętnik.
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I'm writing a diary.
Czy ty odrabiasz pracę domową?
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Are you doing your homework?
Tak, odrabiam pracę.
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Yes, I'm.
Nie, nie odrabiam.
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No, I'm not.
Czy ona odrabia pracę domową?
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Is she doing her homework?
Tak, ona odrabia.
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Yes, she is.
Nie, nie odrabia.
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No, she isn't...
Co robisz w bibliotece?
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What are you doing in the library?
Czytam książki.
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I'm reading books.
Szukam informacji.
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I am looking for information.
Spędzam miło czas!
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I am having a good time!
Co robisz w bibliotece?
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What are you doing in the library?
Czy używasz komputera?
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Are you using a computer?
Spędzam dobrze czas!
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I'm having a good time!

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