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Question Answer
One Monday afternoon, Mike, adopting a very unusual style, wore a hoody.
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Numa tarde de segunda-feira, Mike, adotando um estilo bastante incomum, vestiu um moletom com capuz.
Nobody would ever think of wearing a hoody on a very hot day.
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Ninguém jamais pensaria em usar um moletom em um dia muito quente.
His friends also wondered why he was being weird.
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Seus amigos também se perguntaram por que ele estava sendo estranho.
They became a little aloof with Mike that day.
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Eles ficaram um pouco indiferentes com Mike naquele dia.
The next day, Mike wore a hoody again, this time of a different color.
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No dia seguinte, Mike voltou a usar um casaco com capuz, desta vez de uma cor diferente.
This went on every day for a week and his friends gradually got used to it.
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Isso aconteceu todos os dias durante uma semana e seus amigos gradualmente se acostumaram.
Finally, on the eighth day, Mike wore a plain white shirt, acting like nothing had been amiss for the past week.
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Finalmente, no oitavo dia, Mike vestiu uma camisa branca lisa, agindo como se nada tivesse acontecido na semana anterior.
One of his friends asked him, “Are you finally done with your hoody fashion?”
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Um de seus amigos perguntou a ele: “Você finalmente terminou sua moda com capuz?”
“What hoody fashion?” Mike asked.
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“Que moda com capuz?” Mike perguntou.
“Last week, everyday, you kept on wearing a hoody.”
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“Na semana passada, todos os dias, você continuou usando um moletom com capuz.”
And then Mike said, “What?
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E então Mike disse: “O quê?
I was on vacation last week. I just got home this morning.”
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Eu estava de férias na semana passada. Acabei de chegar em casa esta manhã.

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