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I could hardly keep my wits together.
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Apenas podía mantener mi sensatez.
They'll probably try to kill them.
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Probablemente intentarán matarles.
She's the most beautiful woman in the world.
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Es la mujer más hermosa del mundo.
Everyone will take the exam.
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Todo el mundo hará el examen.
If you pass the exam, you'll pass the course.
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Si apruebas el examen, aprobarás el curso.
How many subjects do I have to study?.
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¿Cuántas asignaturas tengo que estudiar?.
There was an explosion in that shop.
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Hubo una explosión en aquella tienda.
When did it happen?.
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¿Cuándo ocurrió?.
Were there any people nearby?.
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¿Había gente cerca?.
The telephone's ringing.
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Está sonando el teléfono.
Who's going to answer it?.
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¿Quién lo va a coger?.
Nobody's interested in your drawing.
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Nadie está interesado en tu dibujo.
Do you know how long it took me to draw it.
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¿Sabes cuánto tiempo tardé en dibujarlo?.
Let me guess.
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Déjame que lo adivine.
Well, gentlemen, what shall we do?.
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Bueno señores, ¿qué hacemos?.
He's the best man we have.
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Es el mejor hombre que tenemos.
It'll be difficult to find a replacement.
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Será difícil encontrar un sustituto.
Nobody knows as much as he does.
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Nadie sabe tanto como él.
Nobody speaks as many languages as he does.
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Nadie habla tantos idiomas como él.
Nobody is as persuasive as he is.
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Nadie es tan persuasivo como él.
Nobody has as many contacts as he does.
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Nadie tiene tantos contactos como él.
Nobody's as attractive as he is.
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Nadie es tan atractivo como él.
We'll have to find someone like him.
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Tendremos que encontrar a alguien como él.
It's not going to be easy.
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No va a ser fácil.
It's our only alternative. It's our only choice.
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Es nuestra única alternativa.
We'd like to know what he thinks.
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Quisiéramos saber lo que él piensa.
Why don't we call him?.
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¿Por qué no le llamamos?.
If you think he'll help us, you're crazy.
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Si crees que él nos ayudará, estás loco.
Get dressed and let's go.
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Vístete y vámonos.
Shall l get dressed here or in the bathroom?.
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¿Me visto aquí o en el baño?.
I don't care where you get dressed.
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No me importa donde te vistas.
He's getting angry.
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Él se está enfadando.
I feel great.
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Me encuentro de maravilla.
Do you mind calling back later?.
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¿Te importa llamar más tarde?.
I'll be here all afternoon.
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Estaré aquí toda la tarde.
If I'm not here, leave a message.
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Si no estoy, deja un recado.
If no one answers, keep calling.
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Si nadie contesta, sigue llamando.
I'm sorry to have to do this.
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Siento tener que hacer esto.
I smoke because I like to.
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Fumo porque me gusta.
He comes here because he likes to.
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Él viene aquí porque le gusta.
It's getting dirty.
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Se está ensuciando.
How often do you clean it?.
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¿Con qué frecuencia lo limpias?.
I have a maid to clean it.
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Tengo a una criada para limpiarlo.
Crying won't help.
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El llorar no ayudará.
Things are going well.
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Las cosas van bien.
How are you doing?.
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¿Qué tal estás?.
What are the Americans like?.
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¿Cómo son los Americanos?.
They have eyes and ears like we do.
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Tienen ojos y orejas como nosotros.
They're ancestors were European.
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Sus antepasados eran europeos.
Do they have houses like ours?.
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¿Tienen casas como las nuestras?.
What was the verdict.
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¿Cual fue el veredicto?.
They found him guilty.
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Le encontraron culpable.
Do you think he did it?.
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¿Crees que lo hizo?.
I don't know what to think.
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No sé qué creer.
It's like living in the country.
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Es como vivir en el campo.
This plan is our salvation.
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Este plan es nuestra salvación.
It'll only bring us problems.
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Ello sólo nos traerá problemas.
I disagree with you.
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Estoy en desacuerdo contigo.
What do you base your opinion on?.
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¿En qué basas tu opinión?.
They look exactly alike.
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Son exactamente iguales (de parecido físico).
They must worry a lot about you.
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Deben de preocuparse mucho por ti.
I heard it but l don't believe it.
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Lo oí pero no lo creo.
Don't wait too long.
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No esperes demasiado.
What was the article about?.
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¿De qué trataba el artículo?.
About scandals, as always.
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De escándalos como siempre.
Aren't people interested in anything else?.
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¿No esta la gente interesada en otras cosas?.
I suppose not.
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Supongo que no.
Do you read those articles?.
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¿Lees esos artículos?.
I try not to read them.
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Trato de no leerlos.
It's a sunny day.
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Hace un día soleado.
The sun is shining.
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Luce el sol.
It's getting cloudy.
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Se está nublando.
What's the weather like?.
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¿Qué tiempo hace?.
It's starting to rain.
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Está empezando a llover.
The fog's very thick.
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La niebla está muy espesa.
It's foggy.
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Hay niebla. Esta nebuloso.
The snow's melting.
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La nieve se está derritiendo.
When will the storm reach us?.
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¿Cuándo nos alcanzará la tormenta?.
It's raining cats and dogs.
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Está lloviendo a cántaros.
The sun's going down.
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Está bajando el sol.
It'll be dark soon.
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Pronto estará oscuro.
Children don't go out when it's dark.
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Los niños no salen cuando está oscuro.
Today's the hottest day of the year.
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Hoy es el día más caluroso del año.
You can fry an egg on the pavement.
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Puedes freir un huevo en la acera.
I can't sleep at night.
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No puedo dormir de noche.
There isn't any breeze.
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No hay brisa.
A slight breeze would be nice.
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Una leve brisa estaría bien.
I like the heat.
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A mi me gusta el calor.
Do you mean you like this weather?.
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¿Quieres decir que te gusta este tiempo?.
It makes me feel strong.
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Me hace sentir fuerte.
You must be crazy.
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Debes de estar loco.
I had to stand up in the bus.
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Tuve que estar de pié en el autobús.
¿No te ofreció nadie un asiento?.
No hacer en pasado nadie ofrecer tu un asiento.
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Didn't anybody offer you a seat?.
Didn't they realise you were pregnant?.
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¿No se dieron cuenta de que estabas embarazada?.
Apparently not.
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Al parecer no.
It was a very important event.
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Fue un acontecimiento muy importante.
I didn't want to miss it.
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Yo no quería perderlo.
I couldn't see it for the crowd.
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No lo pude ver por la muchedumbre.
You can't see the forest for the trees.
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Los árboles no te dejan ver el bosque.
We'll get to the bottom of this affair.
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Llegaremos al fondo de este asunto.
I had to bear my trouble as best I could.
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Tuve que aguantar mi dificultad lo mejor que pude.
He called out to passersby for help.
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El le gritó a los transeúntes en busca de ayuda.
A passerby saw the accident and stopped to help.
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Un transeúnte vio el accidente y se detuvo a ayudar.
The guera Ninfa wears knee-highs.
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La güera Ninfa usa medias hasta la rodilla.
Passersby were asked if they were registered to vote.
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Los transeúntes se les preguntó si estaban registrados para votar.
Marry Ovi is a very sensitive girl. She's a very sensitive girl.
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Mary Ovi es una chica muy sensible. Es una chica muy sensible.
Essy is a very sensitive woman.
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Essy es una mujer muy sensible.
Celia is a very sensitive girl.
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Celia es una chica muy sensible.
My neck is sensitive and gets irritated easily.
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Mi cuello es sensible y se irrita fácilmente.
I had to bear my trouble as best I could.
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Tuve que aguantar mi dificultad lo mejor que pude.
Emmy is a very sensible man.
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Emmy es un hombre muy sensato.
Whose drawings are those?.
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¿De quién son esos dibujos?.

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