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It was a complete failure.
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Fue un completo fracaso.
Whose fault was it?.
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¿De quién fue la culpa?.
It wasn't anybody's fault.
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No fue culpa de nadie.
There will be an investigation.
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Habrá una investigación.
You won't find anything.
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No encontrarás nada.
We'll see.
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Ya veremos.
What plans do you have for Sunday?.
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¿Que planes tienes para el domingo?.
We're going to see some friends.
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Vamos a ver a unos amigos.
Do I know them?.
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¿Les conozco?.
I don't think so.
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Creo que no.
How's your job?.
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¿Qué tal tu trabajo?.
Everything's going fine.
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Todo va bien.
Everything's going great.
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Todo va de maravilla.
I'm glad to hear that.
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Me alegro de oir eso.
Then they don't plan to fire you.
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Entonces no piensan despedirte.
I hope not.
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Espero que no.
I don't like to be near him.
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No me gusta estar cerca de el.
Does he smell bad?.
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¿El huele mal?.
Don't be funny.
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No seas gracioso.
I'm not trying to be funny.
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No pretendo ser gracioso.
I have something important to tell you.
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Tengo algo importante que decirte.
Go ahead.
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I'm going to tell you something you're not going to like.
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Voy a decirte algo que no te va a gustar.
Let me decide that.
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Deja que yo decida eso.
If that's what you want.
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Si eso es lo que quieres.
You know very well what I want.
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Tu sabes muy bien lo que quiero.
I have no idea.
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No tengo ni idea.
I want to marry your daughter.
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Quiero casarme con tu hija.
You want what?.
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¿Quieres que?.
You heard me.
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Ya me oíste.
But she's much younger than you are.
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Pero ella es mucho mas joven que tu.
Are you calling me an old man?.
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¿Me estas llamando viejo?.
Do you really love her?.
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¿La quieres de verdad?.
I love her and she loves me.
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La quiero y ella me quiere a mi.
We want to get married next week.
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Queremos casarnos la próxima semana.
When did you start going out together?.
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¿Cuando empezasteis a salir juntos?.
A couple of months ago.
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Hace un par de meses.
Where did you meet my daughter?.
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¿Donde conociste a mi hija?.
Does my wife know anything about this?.
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¿Sabe mi mujer algo de esto?.
Who told her?.
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¿Quien se lo dijo a ella?.
I hope you know what you're doing.
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Espero que sepas lo que haces.
What an unpleasant surprise!.
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¡Que desagradable sorpresa!.
Don't expect to have my consent.
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No esperes tener mi consentimiento.
Why didn't she tell me anything?.
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¿Por qué no me dijo nada ella?.
I hope she's not expecting a baby.
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Espero que no este esperando un niño.
What do you suggest we do?.
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¿Que sugieres que hagamos?.
Make your own decisions.
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Toma tus propias decisiones.
Aren't you going to give any advice?.
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¿No me vas a dar consejos?.
What for?.
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¿Para que?.
At least congratulate us.
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Al menos felicitanos.
Tell him to come.
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Dile que venga.
I'd like to try it.
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Me gustaria probarlo.
Tell them to be careful.
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Diles que tengan cuidado.
I want to go with him.
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Quiero ir con el.
I want you to go with him.
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Quiero que vayas con el.
Don't tell him who I am.
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No le digas quien soy.
I don't want him to know anything.
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No quiero que el sepa nada.
They told me to look for him.
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Me dijeron que lo buscara.
Nobody told you to do anything.
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Nadie te dijo que hicieras nada.
I told you to do it again.
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Te dije que volvieras a hacerlo.
Why didn't you do it again?.
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¿Por que no volviste a hacerlo?.
Who told you to call me?.
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¿Quien te dijo que me llamaras?.
I want you to look at me.
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Quiero que me mires.
I want you to know something.
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Quiero que sepas una cosa.
I want you to share your toys.
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Quiero que compartas tus juguetes.
I want you to be the judge.
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Quiero que seas el juez.
I want you to be fair.
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Quiero que seas justo.
Tell him to leave.
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Dile que se vaya.
Watch them.
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They want us to loose.
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Quieren que perdamos.
We want you to win.
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Queremos que ganéis.
I want you to have a good time.
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Quiero que os lo paséis bien.
I want you to think about it.
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Quiero que lo pienses.
They don't want us to come.
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No quieren que vengamos.
I want you to find a solution.
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Quiero que encuentres una solución.
It's not going to be easy.
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No va a ser fácil.
I want you to have this.
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Quiero que tengas esto.
It's easy to give orders.
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Es fácil dar ordenes.
It's difficult to carry them out.
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Es difícil llevarlas a cabo.
I didn't ask you to do anything.
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No te pedí que hicieras nada.
I'm asking you to be my friend.
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Te estoy pidiendo que seas mi amigo.
Tell them not to look at me.
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Diles que no me miren.
Ask them not to smoke.
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Pídeles que no fumes.
Why do you want me to do that?.
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¿Por que quieres que yo haga eso?.
What do you want me to do?.
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¿Que quieres que yo haga?.
What do you want me to say?.
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¿Que quieres que diga?.
Where do you want me to go?.
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¿A donde quieres que yo vaya?.
When do you want me to be here?.
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¿Cuando quieres que yo esté aquí?.
Who do you want me to speak to?.
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¿Con quién quieres que hable?.
How often do you want me to call him?.
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¿Con que frecuencia quieres que le llame?.
Which one do you want me to choose?.
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¿Cual quieres que elija?.
How long do you want the meeting to last?.
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¿Cuanto tiempo quieres que dure la reunión?.
How do you want me to convince her?.
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¿Como quieres que la convenza?.
How do you want me to call you?.
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¿Como quieres que te llame?.
Where do you want me to take you?.
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¿A donde quieres que te lleve?.
I hardly ever eat bread.
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Casi nunca como pan.
I always use ashtrays.
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Siempre uso ceniceros.
We seldom travel.
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Raramente viajamos.
They're never satisfied.
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Nunca están satisfechos.
Have a good time.
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They told me to look for her.
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Me dijeron que la buscara.
They told me to look for them.
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Me dijeron que los buscara.
They told me to look for it.
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Me dijeron que lo buscara.
They told me to look for Jhon. They told me to look for him.
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Me dijeron que buscara a Juan. Me dijeron que lo buscara.
They told me to look for Christine. They told me to look for her.
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Me dijeron que buscara a Christine. Me dijeron que la buscara.

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