touristic attractions

156 flashcards tkalwak

148 flashcards jagoda.b.n

120 flashcards t.mal1105

28 flashcards karolinakolarz

Learn more about the major cities in Russia and what are they famous for! The lesson includes a list of the best cities in Russia with pictures and their touristic attractions! Don't forget to include them all in your travel list next time you plan to visit Russia. Experience the Russian historical heritage and culture with VocApp's lessons!

15 flashcards tania.v

171 flashcards pawelkozlowski5

24 flashcards guest2791215

559 flashcards w.sikorq

Showing 81-100 of 150 items.

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Related: hiszpański | English | Spanish | russian cities | cities in russia | major cities in russia | russian city names