szpilki drugi kolos głowa

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agger nasi, wing of nose, opening of nasolacrimal duct, apex of tongue, palatoglossal arch, palatopharyngeal arch, inferior alveolar artery, angular artery, facial artery, infraorbital artery
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inferior/superior labial artery, maxillary artery, middle meningeal artery, superficial temporal artery, cheek, sublingual caruncle, pulp cavity, choanae, chorda tympani
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labial commissure of mouth, inferior/middle/superior nasal concha, crown of tooth, dorsum of nose, parotid duct, temporal fascia, apical foramen of tooth, foramen caecum of tongue
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frenulum of tongue, epicranial aponeurosis, ciliary/otic/pterygopalatine/submandibular/trigeminal ganglion, gingiva, parotid/sublingual salivary gland
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semilunar hiatus, lower lip, upper lip, limen nasi, inferior/middle/superior nasal meatus, modiolus anguli oris, buccinator, corrugator supercilli
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genioglossus, hyoglossus, styloglossus, masseter, mentalis
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lateral/medial pterygoideus, risorius, nostrils, external nose
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short ciliary nerves, inferior alveolar nerve, auriculotemporal nerve, buccal nerve, nerve of pterygoid canal, facial nerve, infraorbital nerve, lacrimal nerve, lingual nerve, mandibular nerve
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maxillary nerve, mylohyoid nerve, nasociliary nerve, ophthalmic nerve, greater/lesser/deep petrosal nerve, zygomatic nerve, pharyngeal orifice of auditory tube
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soft/hard palate, vallate papillae, philtrum, parotid plexus, fimbriated fold, salpingopalatine fold, salpingopharyngeal fold, sublingual fold, root of tooth
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root of tongue, pterygomandibular raphe, oral opening, nasal septum, frontal/maxillary/sphenoidal sinus, median groove of tongue, mentolabial/nasolabial sulcus
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terminal sulcus of tongue, eyebrow, palatine/pharyngeal tonsil, torus levatorius, torus tubarius, uvula, nasal vestibule, oral vestibule

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