Super Easy Turkish L1

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Isveç'in başkenti stokholm'deyiz.
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We're in Stockholm, the Swedish capital
hava 3 derece
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air 3 degree
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isminiz nedir?
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What is your name?
57 yaşındayım
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I am 57 years old.
Ben de 23 yaşındayım.
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I am 23 years old, too
Ne işle uğraşıyorsunuz?
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What do you do for living?
tekstil işi ile uğraşıyorum
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I'm dealing with textiles
Ben de öğrenciyim
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I'm a student too
nerede okuyorsunuz?
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where do you study?
Kaç çocuğunuz var?
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How many children do you have?
2 kız 2 erkek, 4 çocuğum var
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I have 2 girls and 2 boys, 4 children
Peki, neler yapmaktan hoşlanırsınız?
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So, what do you like to do?
kitap okumaktan hoşlanırım
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I like reading books
seyahat etmekten hoşlanırım
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I like to travel
Peki, Siz neler yapıyorsunuz?
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So what do you do?
neler yapmaktan hoşlanırsınız?
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What do you like to do?
Ben de aynı şekilde kitap okumaktan
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I am likewise from reading books
bilgisayar oynamaktan
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playing computer
bu şekilde geziler yapmaktan
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making trips like this
basketbol oynamaktan hoşlanırım
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i like playing basketball
Burası Stockholm, İsveç
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This is Stockholm, Sweden
geziye geldiğim çocuklarımla birlikte
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I came with my children
Ben de babamla birlikte geziye geldim
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So I went on a trip with my father.
Benim karnım çok acıktı
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My stomach is hungry
Peki ya sizin karnınız da açıktı mı?
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What about your belly?
Benim de karnım acıktı
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I'm hungry too
Haydi gidelim
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let's go
Haydi yemek yemeye gidelim
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Let's go eat
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Şu anda neredeyiz?
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Where are we now?
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Ben de gidip getireyim
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I'll go get it.
tatlılarımız geldi
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our sweets arrived
geldi tatlılarımız
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came our sweets
tatlı nasıldı?
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how was dessert?
tatlı bir harikaydı
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the dessert was great
çok mu beğendiniz?
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do you like it very much?
Peki şimdi Bu tatlıları eritmek için ne yapmak gerekir?
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so what should we do to burn off this desserts?
eritmek için yürümek gerekiyor
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we should walk to burn them off
ne kadar yürümek gerekir?
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how much should we walk?
5000 adım yeter
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5000 steps are enough
bir daha tatlı yemeyeceğim
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I won't eat dessert again
10000 adıma razıyım ben
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I would even with 10000 steps
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it was fantastic
şu anda Stockholm'de, Belediye binasındayız
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we are at Stockholm right now we are at the City Hall
uzun ve yorucu bir günün ardından
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After a long and tiring day
biraz sonra otelimize döneceğiz
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we will go back to our hotel soon
Sizce, şu ana kadar, stockholm nasıldı?
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in your opinion how was Stockholm so far
Stockholm, şu ana kadar, gördüğüm kadarıyla
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so far as far as I have seen stockholm is
güzel düzenli planlı bir şehir
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beautiful tidy well-designed City
bugün neler yaptınız?
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what have you done today?
Bugün sabah Çıktık, Bayağı yürürdük
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we left this morning we walked quite a lot
tatlısını yedik
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we ate (its) dessert
bolca Gezdik eğlendik
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we have done plenty of touring we have had fun
Peki bundan sonra nedir?
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so what is the plan after now?
bundan sonra, zaten, şu an gün batımını seyrediyoruz
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after now we are already watching the sunset
Belediye binası önünden
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from in front of the City Hall
ve batımdan sonra da otelimize gideceğiz
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and after the sun sets we will go to our hotel

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