Spoon Lady

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grać na łyżkach
grać na gitarze
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to play spoons
do not say: play ON + musical instrument
to play (the) guitar (NiV)
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an income
źródło dochodu
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a source of income
Tourists are the main source of income for them. (NiV)
jedyny / wyłączny
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sole and soul are homonyms
To jest moje jedyne źródło dochodu.
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It's my sole source of income.
artysta uliczny
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a street performer
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I'm A professional street performer.
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to perform (NiV)
She composes and performs her own music. (NiV)
Gram na łżkach od dawna.
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I have been playing spoons FOR A LONG TIME.
wskakiwanie do pociągu, który najczęściej jest już w ruchu i jazda bez biletu (jak na załączonym obrazku)
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train hopping
I was hopping trains around the country.
to hop trains
utrzymywać siebie / kogoś
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to support myself / sb
zwracać się do kogoś (z prośbą / z pytaniem)
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to approach sb
We were approached by America's Got Talent.
amerykański odpowiednik "Mam Talent"
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America's Got Talent
odrzucić coś / powiedzieć nie
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to turn sth down
He offered her a trip to Australia but she turned it down. (NiV)
We turn those kinds of things down.
samodzielnie wykonany
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do it yourself
stworzyć pozytywną zmianę
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to create a positive change
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a misunderstanding
otaczać coś / kogoś
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to surround sth/sb
misunderstandings surround street performing
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He was arrested for panhandling. (NiV)
dopraszać (się czegoś), zabiegać (o coś), nagabywać (kogoś o coś)
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to solicit
He’s soliciting funds to keep the library open. (NiV)
Jestem dobra w tym co robię.
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I'm good AT what I do.
do not say: good in sth

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