Softver i operativni sustavi - Software and operating systems

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poslovni softver
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business software
priručnik za korištenje
Više informacija o stvaranju predložaka ćete naći u priručniku za korisnike.
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user manual
You will find more information on the creation of templates in the user manual.
Produžetak dokumenta.
Skinuo sam dokument s produžetkom dokumenta "jpg".
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file extension
I downloaded a file with the file extension ". jpg".
nedavni dokumenti
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recent files
Kako mogu provjeriti postavke dokumenta?
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How can I check properties of this file?
Nemam pristup D-u: virtualnom drajvu.
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to access
I have no access to the D: virtual drive.
virtualni uređaj
Molimo, pokrenite virtualni uređaj.
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virtual machine
Please launch the virtual machine.
+61 flashcards
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"Poslovni engleski - informatika"
(total 311 flashcards)

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