slowka 29.05

 0    11 flashcards    aleksandrakielbratowska5
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od dawna nie gralam w tenisa
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I haven't played tennis for a long time
Mieszkałem w Las Palmas przez 3 tygodnie
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I have lived in las palmas for 3 weeks
nie widzialam mojej rodziny od 3 tygodni
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I haven't seen my family for 3 weeks
cwicze joge 10 lat
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I have been practicing yoga for 10 years
korzystam z mojego wolnego czasu
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i take advantage of my free time
korzystac z czegosc
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take advantage of something
ja koncentruje sie na sobie
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I focus on myself
chce zeby ona zostala
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I want her to stay
chce zeby on ze mna poszedl
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I want him to go with me
chce zeby poszla ze mna na lekcje jogi
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I want her to come to yoga class with me
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