slowka 1

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silne prądy
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strong currents
niszczyc spoleczenstwo
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destroy a community
znany z...
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known for...
z powodu
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due to
brzeg rzeki
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szybko rozprzestrzrniajacy sie pozar
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a rapidly spreading fire
wzorce pogodowe
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weather patterns
przerażająca myśl
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scary thought
zmiany klimatu
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climate change
wplyw na poziomie osobistym i spolecznh.
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impact at the personal and social levels.
dzielic sie
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operacja plastyczna
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plastic surgery
podejmowac ryzyko
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take a risks
podejmowac decyzje
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make decisions
podjac zyciowe decyzje
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make life-changing decisions
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telling a lie
stosunek do ryzyka
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attitude to risk
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zgubic pieniadze
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lose money
randkowac przez internet
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online dating
znac kogos bardzo dobrze
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know sb very well
kupic uzywany samochod
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buy a second hand car

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