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zadbano o to
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it's been tended to
I had a medical thing. It's been tended to.
rzucać kamieniami (idiom)
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throwing stones (people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones)
This means that you should not criticize other people for bad qualities in their character that you have yourself.
You might want to be careful about throwing stones.
kolega, facet, gość
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a fellow
a man
Some little fellow with a moustache.
bałagan, nieład
Jedna rodzina ma naprawdę niezły bałagan.
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something very bad in quality or completely unsuccessful
One family get a real clunker.
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a person or group that is ridiculed
What good about it? I'm a laughingstock.
zapiąć pasy
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buckle up
to fasten the belt that keeps you in your seat in a car or a plane
Buckle up for the second verse.
beknąć dziecko
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to burp a baby
to gently rub a baby's back to help air to come out of its stomach
Did you burp her?
Poklepałeś mocno?
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to pat
to touch someone or something gently and usually repeatedly with the hand flat
Did you pat firmly?
Książka mówi uderzyć mocno.
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in a solid or strong way
The book says pat firmly.

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