September 19

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wyszłam z psem na spacer
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I went for a walk with my dog
smycz dla psa
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Dog leash
moja sąsiadka znalazła psa
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my neighbor found a dog
Uczę psa mówić
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I teach a dog to speak
Mój pies idzie do lidla na zakupy
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My dog goes to Lidl for shopping
Czy mogę prosić rachunek?
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Can I have the bill please?
Dleczego mieszkasz w Afryce?
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Why do you live in Africa?
Mój pies wygrał wybory na pezydenta
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My dog won the election to be president
od zera do bohatera
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From Zero To Hero
podwójne kłopoty
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double trouble
kot w kapeluszu
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a cat in a hat

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