Semana 6

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Question Answer
¿Y crees que si me caso seré respingado?
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And you think that if I marry, it'll be snub?
Asombroso, abrumar! Usted no suelen verlo venir.
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to overwhelm, overburden, overpower
Amazing thing, overwhelm! You don't usually see it coming.
Algunos están preparados para ejercitar gran fuerza intelectual, mientras que otros se inclinan a amar y deleitarse en el trabajo físico.
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to enjoy, delight, revel
Some are qualified to exercise greater intellectual strength than others, while others are inclined to love and enjoy physical labor.
Les dijo también que deberían regocijarse.
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to rejoice, gloat, exult
He also told them that they should rejoice.
Sergio hizo un débil ademán de protesta.
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gesture, wave, flourish
Sergio offered a weak gesture of protest.
No tenemos intenciones de imponer ningún diktat.
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to impose, enforce, place
It is not our intention to impose any diktat.
Quiere saber quién es el heredero.
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heir, inheritor, successor
Newspaperman? - Wants to know who the heir is.
Entonces decidió burlarse del personaje principal Anton Gorodetsky.
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to make fun, mock, tease
So he decided to make fun of the main character Anton Gorodetsky.
Hasta ahora esto ha sido una nuez dura de cascar.
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to crack, break, clobber
Until now this has been a tough nut to crack.
No tenía motivos para alabarse más que sus compañeros, porque por la incredulidad y el ensalzamiento propio, casi había perdido la vida.
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to boast, self-praise
He had no reason to boast over his fellows, for through unbelief and self-exaltation Page 382 he had very nearly lost his life.
En 1987 y 1994 surgieron de nuevo otros intentos infructuosos de zanjar el debate.
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to settle, bridge, resolve
Unsuccessful attempts to settle the debate flared up again in 1987 and 1994.
Observó que las penas de reclusión podían entrañar la obligación de realizar trabajos en la prisión.
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to involve, entail, include
It noted that penalties of imprisonment may involve an obligation to perform prison labour.
Las cosas que solían hacernos zozobrar, ya no lo hacen.
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to capsize, sink, founder
The things that used to capsize us no longer did.
Solamente viene a rayar los coches.
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to scratch, break, get scratched
He only comes here to scratch the cars.
Difíciles de contener en calefacción temporada.
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contain, hold, include
They are difficult to contain during the heating season.
He comprado una mezcla a un saltimbanqui... tan mortal que, si lo araño tan sólo, he de matarlo.
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mountebank, buffoon, entertainer
I bought an unction of a mountebank... so mortal that, if I but scratch him, it will mean death.
Además del anonadante desierto, que impone que toda actividad productiva se opere en condiciones sumamente adversas, el otro gran dique es el transporte.
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In addition to the unforgiving desert, the other great hindrance to productive activity is the transport, too, imposes extremely adverse conditions on any effort to accomplish anything.
Los EEUU han apoyado cada acción criminal de los generales De ejercito para anonadar la dirección de las personas en el país.
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to amaze
US backed every criminal act of Army Generals to crush people's rule in the country.
Ahora el Ego regresa de su andanza nocturna en terrenos desconocidos, y al atravesar la neblina del olvido que separa los dos estados de conciencia, reingresa y revitaliza su vehículo inactivo en el plano físico.
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wanderings, event
The Ego now returns from its nightly wanderings in unknown territory and passing through the mist of forgetfulness that separates the two states of consciousness, reenters and revitalizes its dormant vehicles on this plane.
Es fácil conectar y transitar entre las líneas.
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to transit, travel, move
It is easy to connect and transit between the lines.
Quitese todas las alhajas que pueden raspar o rozar la superficie de la pintura.
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to rub, touch, graze
Remove all jewelry that could potentially scrape or rub the painting's surface.
De aquí surge el término organización.
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term, end, word
From this, one gets the term organization.
Conocían los túneles y la bóveda.
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vault, dome, arch
They knew about the tunnels and the vault.
Siempre puede comprobar nuestro código fuente si quiere asegurarse.
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to check, verify, see
You can always check our source code if you want to make sure.
CONDICIONES EXISTENTES: Es un lote independiente con una ubicación estratégica.
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lot, batch, consignment
EXISTING CONDITIONS: It is an independent lot with a very strategic location.
Tentar significa antojar al mal mediante la esperanza de placer o ganancia.
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to crave, entice
Tempt means to entice into evil through hope of pleasure or gain.
Necesitamos padecer la pérdida de algunas calorías.
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to suffer, suffer from, experience
We need to suffer the loss of some calories.
Es terrible suplicar por la vida.
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to beg, plead, supplicate
It's a terrible thing to beg for your life.
Porque quiero enfocar en mi futuro.
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to focus, approach, address
Because I want to focus on my future.
28No muevas el lindero antiguo Que pusieron tus padres.
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boundary, edge, border
28 Do not move the ancient boundary Which your fathers have set.
Para satisfacer el ansia de atención y protagonismo.
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craving, anxiety, desire
To satisfy one's craving for attention and the limelight.
Forzó al Padre desamparar a Su Hijo por un tiempo.
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to forsake, desert, renounce
It drove the Father to forsake His Son for a time.
El bolo entonces entra en el estómago.
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bolus, bolo, gig
The bolus then enters the stomach.
El paisaje residencial entero parece dormitar a plena luz del día.
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to doze, snooze, slumber
The entire residential landscape seems to doze in plain daylight.
porque acabo de postar contra el choque de la Sra. Pope.
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to drive up, to post
because I've just driven up Mrs. Pole's telephone Pope.
Limpiar la punta después de cada aspiración.
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tip, point, end
Clear any matter from the tip after each suction.
La pérdida total de la dentadura constituye una situación emocional estresante, sobre todo para pacientes jóvenes.
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tooth, denture, dentition
Complete tooth loss can create a stressful and emotional situation, particularly for young patients.
Afortunadamente, el público toma el jocoso comentario evolutivo de buena manera y se escuchan risas en lugar de gritos.
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playful, jocular, facetious
Fortunately, the audience takes the playful evolutionary comment in stride and this time, there's laughter instead of yelling.
Elementos del diseño Un cuarto bien-adornado puede todavía carecer personalidad.
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to lack, not have, devoid
Design elements A well-decorated room can still lack personality.
Tengo un asunto apremiante que atender.
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pressing, urgent, compelling
I have a pressing matter to take care of.
También es una mala señal si tu perro va cabizbajo.
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crestfallen, downcast, glum
Also a bad sign if your dog is crestfallen.
Conrnigo aquí no se van a atrever a dispararte.
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to dare
With me here, they won't dare shoot you.
El ascendiente sobre los Espíritus inferiores solo se ejerce por la superioridad moral.
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ascending, ascendancy, influence
Is exerted on the ascending inferior spirits for moral superiority only.
Siga las instrucciones y deje secar completamente.
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to dry, dry up, dry out
Follow the instructions and let the part dry thoroughly.
Es imposible concebir toda la diversidad de sus participantes.
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to conceive, design, devise
It is impossible to conceive the entire diversity of its participants.
Puede sonar una forma muy endeble de describirnos.
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flimsy, weak, feeble
That might sound a very flimsy way to describe us.
Intenta arrastrarse hacia la entrada de SCP-3560.
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to crawl, creep, drag
He attempts to crawl toward the SCP-3560's entrance.
Propiciar significa apaciguar o remover la ira.
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to appease, pacify, calm
To propitiate means to appease or to remove wrath.
Los principales medios de comunicación elogiaron vergonzosamente lo que exige condena y responsabilidad, incluso póstumamente.
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shamefully, embarrassingly, disgracefully
Major media shamefully praised what demands condemnation and accountability, even posthumously.
Quédate tumbado, yo terminaré tu hilera.
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row, line, swath
You just lie here, Uncle Pete... I'll finish your row for you.

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