Professional Cuddler

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(czuły) uścisk, przytulenie (kogoś)
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a cuddle
Mummy, give me a cuddle.
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a sanctuary
a bird /wildlife sanctuary (NiV)
a sanctuary
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prowadzić warsztaty
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to hold workshops
to hold - held - held
prowadzić warsztaty (2)
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to run workshops
to run - ran - run
zgoda (pozwolenie na coś)
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a consent
They can't publish your name without your consent. (NiV)
wyrazić zgodę
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to give your consent
You can only come on the trip if your parents give their consent. (NiV)
jeden na jednego
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one-on-one / one-to-one
a one-to-one meeting/lesson (NiV)
to kosztuje 80 dolarów za godzinę
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it is 80 dollars an hour
it is 80 dollars an hour = it costs 80 dollars an hour
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to hug
trzymać się za ręce
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to hold hands
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to breathe
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to talk
być cicho
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to be quiet
a potem
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and then
and then we cuddle
źle coś zrozumieć
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to misunderstand
My work as a professional cuddler is misunderstood a lot.
wywołać zgorszenie / szokować (np. czynem) / obrażać (poczucie moralności)
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to scandalise
tak jakby, poniekąd, po części
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sort of
sort of and kind of are synonyms
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a cover (for sth)
It's not a cover for sex work.
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Their relationship is platonic.
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a service
My services are platonic.
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She felt really desperate.
to nie w tym rzecz / to nie o to tu chodzi
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that's not the case
połowa z nas
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half of us
L in half in silent
umierać z głodu / bardzo czegoś potrzebować
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to starve (for sth)
A lot of people are starving for touch.
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to touch
Don't touch it!

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