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Ubiegac sie o prace
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Apply for a job
załączyć CV
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to enclose a CV
wypełnić formularz
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to fill in a form
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expectations, requirements
pgłoszenie z ofertą pracy
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recruitment ad
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to hire
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Zorientowanie na klienta
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Customer orientation
łatwo radzić sobie ze stresem
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easy to deal with stress
być w stanie zrealizować cele
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being able to meet targets
chętny do nauki
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ready to learn
dobry w pracy wielozadaniowej
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good at multitasking
jestem zmotywowany
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I'm self-motivated
jestem dumny z kojej pracy
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I'm proud of my job
jestem barzzo oddany szczegółom
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I am very attentive to detail
posiadam umiejętności komunikacji w języku angielskim- w mowie i piśmie
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I have communication skills in English - in speech and writing
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figured out
być moze
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