Poziom A1/A2

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a house
zajmę się tym w środę
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I'll deal with it on Wednesday
lub I will take care of it wednesday
ona nie znosi dymu papierosowego
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she can't stand cigarette smoke
lub she hates cigarette smoke
zrozumiałam co próbowałes powiedzieć
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I understood what you were trying to say
czy ktoś chce kawe
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Does anyone want a coffee?
jestem pewna że ci się spodoba
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I'm sure you'll like it
spróbuję to zrobić jutro
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I'll try to do it tomorrow
co oznacza to słowo?
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what does this word mean?
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get, receive
wszyscy byli zaskoczeni, łącznie ze mna
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everyone was surprised, including me
moja wina
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my fault
zamiast się uczyć oglądałam telewizję
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Instead of studying, I watched TV
jadę na pieciotygodniowe wakacje
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I'm going on a five-week vacation
też tak myślę
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I think so too
czy mamy sok
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do we have juice?
jest problem
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there is a problem
to są
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these are
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nie byłam tam
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I was not there
lub I haven't been there
nie ma wolnych stolików
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there are no free tables
ten drugi
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the other one
ten ostatni
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the last one
Ten trzeci
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The third one
co będziesz zamawiał?
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what will you order?
wezmę kawe
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I'll take my coffee
jak to powiesz po angielsku?
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how do you say it in English?
czym się zajmujesz?
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what do you do?
nie miałam
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I did not have
wkrótce będę spowrotem
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I'll be back soon
byłam tu wcześniej
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I've been here before
to jest tam!
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it's there!
nie byłam wcześniej w krakowie
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I haven't been to Krakow before
co będziemy robić
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what are we going to do
zrozumiałaś co on powiedział?
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did you understand what he said?
dojdę tam o 6
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I'll get there at 6
pójdziemy do domu
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we'll go home
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bardzo mało
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very little
nie jadłam Jeszcze
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I haven't eaten yet
do nich
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to them
to their
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we were
czy pójdziesz
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will you go
co chcesz?
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what do you want?
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I came
wystarczy, dzieki
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that's enough, thanks
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jest coś o czym chce tobie powiedzieć
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there is something I want to tell you
to bardzo powszechne w naszym kraju
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it's very common in our country
wcale nie
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not at all
szczerze mowiac
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to be honest
ile to kosztuje?
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how much it costs?
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polite, kind
co bedziemy robic?
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what are we going to do?
odpowiem ci tak szybko jak to możliwe
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I will reply you as soon as possible
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day after tomorrow
jutro musze wczesniej wyjść
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I have to leave early tomorrow
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Każda, każdy
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Each, each
to mnie troche denerwuje
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this makes me a little nervous
denerwuje mnie to
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it annoys me
wkurwia mnie to
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it pisses me off
nie widziałem ciebie na zabawie ostatniej nocy
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I didn't see you at play last night
powinniśmy kogoś zapytać o wskazówki/droge
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we should ask someone/lubsomebody for directions/directions
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Czy masz tą koszulkę w większym rozmiarze?
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Do you have this shirt in a larger size?
swojego męża
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her husband
lubie być sama
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I like being alone
zjedz coś
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eat something

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