podroswanie 4

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przejść przez ulicę
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cross the street
isc ulica
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go along
przejść obok czegoś
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go past sth
iść prosto
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go straight on
na rogu
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on the corner
po lewej stronie
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on your left
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pokazać komuś drogę
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show somebody the way
najpierw skręć w lewo
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take first turning on the left
Skręć w prawo w Baker Street
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turn right into Baker Street
wsiasc do samochodu
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get into a car
wsiąść do autobusu
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get on a bus
wyjechac na wakacje
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go away on holiday
wystartowac o samolocie
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take off
zepsuc sie (o pojezdzie)
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break down
przejsc odprawe celna
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check in
zameldować się w hotelu
start learning
check in at the hotel
podjechach po kogos
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pick somebody up
rozbić namiot
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put up a tent
zabrakło benzyny
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run out of petrol
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set off
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slow down
zarezerwować lot
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book a flight
zrobic rezerwacje
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make a reservation
zatrzymac sie w hotelu
start learning
stay in a hotel
podróż za granicę
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travel abroad
zapiac pasy
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fasten your seat belt
zgubić się
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get lost
utknąć w korku
start learning
get stuck in a traffic jam
rozpalać ogień
start learning
make a fire
spoznic sie na lot
start learning
miss one’s flight

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