Phrases with propositions 2.1

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poza kontrolą
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out of control
z ciekawości
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out of curiosity
stary, nieaktualny
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out of date
poza zasięgiem wzroku
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out of sight
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out of order
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out of stock
poza zasięgiem
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out of reach
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out of the question
do pewnego stopnia
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to an extent
ku mojemu zdziwieniu
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to my astonishment
po dziś dzień
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to this day
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to sum up
prawdę mówiąc
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to tell the truth
w nawiązaniu, w odniesieniu
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with reference to, with respekt to, with regard
za zgodą
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with approval
z wyjątkiem
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with exception of
z żalem
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with regret
irracjonalny, oderwany od rzeczywistości
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off base

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