Paula 22nd Feb (45 min)

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an account
What's your account number?
Nie mogłem spać
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I couldn't sleep.
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to fall asleep
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to fall - fell - fallen
Moja córka zasypia około 8.
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My daughter falls asleep around 8.
kłaść się spać
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to go to sleep
What time do you go to sleep?
O której wczoraj poszedłeś spać?
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What time did you go to sleep yesterday?
O której wczoraj zasnąłeś?
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What time did you fall asleep yesterday?
O której godzinie musiałeś wstać?
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What time did you have to get up?
Wstałam o 7, bo musiałam coś zrobić.
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I got up at 7 because I had to do something.
rzucić np. palenie
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to quit - quit - quit
I want to quit smoking.
zwolnić się z pracy
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to quit a job
She quit her job last week.
zakochać się w kimś
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to fall in love with sb
I think she fell in love with you.
Zakochała się w moim bracie.
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She fell in love with my brother.
przyjaciele Oli i Tomka
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Ola and Tomek's friends
to zależy od Ciebie
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it's up to you
Poczekaj chwilę
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hold on a moment
Ona zadzwoniła do mnie, gdy spałam.
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She called me when I was sleeping.
Ktoś zapukał do drzwi, kiedy gotowałem.
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Somebody knocked on the door when I was cooking.
pracować nad czymś
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to work on sth
What are you working on at the moment?
napisać do kogoś wiadomość
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to text sb
Sorry, I forgot to text you.
Ona wysłała do mnie maila wczoraj.
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She emailed me yesterday.
wysłać wiadomość do kogoś
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to message sb
Jak ma na imię jego syn?
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What's his son's name?
Jak ma na imie jego żona?
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What's his wife's name?
Czy ma na imię Ola?
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IS her name Ola?
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to feel - felt - felt
How are you feeling today?

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