Paula 11th May (50 min)

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Pracowałam w ogrodzie.
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I did some gardening.
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I did some cleaning.
Ugotowałam coś.
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I did some cooking.
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wymyślić coś / zmyślić coś
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to make sth up
I made it up.
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a lie
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to lie - lied - lied
She lied to me yesterday.
Przestań mnie okłamywać.
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Stop lying to me.
Czy ty mnie okłamujesz?
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Are you lying to me now?
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a liar
Ona jest taka mądra.
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She's so smart.
such + a/an / (-: plural) + (adjective) + noun
On jest taki wysoki.
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He's so tall.
so + adjective
On jest takim kłamcą.
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He's such a liar.
such + a/an / (-: plural) + (adjective) + noun
Ona jest taką dobrą uczennicą.
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She's such a good student.
Patrz na moje brudne ręce.
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Look at my dirty hands.
Wczoraj dostałam takie piękne kwiaty.
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Yesterday I got such beautiful flowers.
such + a/an / (-: plural) + (adjective) + noun
Róza jest taka uparta.
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Róża is SO stubborn.
cierpliwy pacjent
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a patient patient
Róża jest taką cierpliwą dziewczyną.
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Róża is SUCH a patient girl.
Róża jest takim szczęśliwym dzieckiem.
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Róża is such a happy child.
Ona szczotkuje zęby codziennie.
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She brushes her teeth every day.
ubierać się
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to get dressed
Can you please get dressed by yourself?
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pyjamas / pj's
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to draw
Ona codziennie rysuje obrazek w szkole.
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Every day she drawS a picture at school.
odebrać kogoś ze szkoły
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to pick sb up from school
pójść na plac zabaw
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to go to the playground
She wantS to go to the playground.
z innymi dziećmi
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with other children
a potem ona sprząta swój pokój
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and then she tidies up her room
z potem bierze prysznic
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and then she takeS a shower
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to fall asleep
a potem ona zasypia
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and then she FALLS asleep
a potem ona idzie spać
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and then she goes TO sleep
cisza i spokój
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peace and quiet
kobieta w ciąży
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a pregnant woman
w ogrodzie
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in the garden

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