Patryk 25th Oct

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Jesteś zmęczony?
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Are you tired?
Jesteś gotowy?
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Are you ready?
Czy twoja siostra jest w domu?
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Is your sister at home?
w pracy
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at work
Poczekaj proszę
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hold on, please
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to have - had - had
(a) potem
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(and) theN
po szkole
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after school
po koncercie
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after the concert
po pracy
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after work
po filmie
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after the film
W piątek wieczorem
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ON Friday evening
Spotkałem się z moją dziewczyną...
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I met up with my girlfriend...
studiować, uczyć się
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to study
Odrabiam pracę domową każdego dnia.
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I do my homework every day.
Wczoraj nie odrobiłem pracy domowej.
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I didn't do my homework yesterday.
wykonać swoje obowiązki
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to do your chores
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a choice
zmywać naczynia
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to do the dishes / to do the washing-up
On codziennie zmywa naczynia.
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He does the dishes every day.
Ona nie zmywa naczyń codziennie.
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She doesn't do the dishes every day.
pozwól mi pomyśleć
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let me think

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