Patricija 26th Oct

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a video
Obejrzałam filmik o chłopcu z autyzmem.
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I watched a video about a boy with autism.
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a verb
On ma autyzm.
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He has autism.
Ona ma psa.
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She has a dog.
On ma kota i psa.
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He has a cat and a dog.
Mam pytanie.
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I have a question.
Ona ma dwa pytania.
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She has two questions.
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to hate
Masz pytanie?
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Do you have a question?
Czy ona ma psa?
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Does she HAVE a dog?
Czy twoja mama ma dużo wolnego czasu?
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Does your mum have a lot of free time?
dużo czegoś
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a lot of sth
Codziennie jem śniadanie z rodziną.
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I have breakfast with my family every day.
Jem teraz śniadanie z rodzicami.
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I'm having breakfast with my parents now.
brać prysznic
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to have a shower
Ona bierze teraz prysznic.
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She is having a shower now.
Czy twoja siostra bierze teraz prysznic?
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Is your sister having a shower now?
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to use
Chłopiec używa języka migowego, żeby porozumiewać się ze swoją mamą...
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The boy uses sign language to communicate with his mum.
to do sth
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żeby coś zrobić
Codziennie uczę się języka angielskiego, żeby mówić płynnie po angielsku.
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Every day I learn English TO speak English fluently.
Ona ćwiczy codziennie, żeby być zdrową.
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She exercises every day to be healthy.
tak szybko, jak to możliwe
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as soon as possible / ASAP
Let me know as soon as possible.

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