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z nim
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with him
z chłopakiem
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with boyfriend
Ja jestem z chłopakiem.
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I'm with my boyfriend.
Ja też.
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Me too.
Kwiat w doniczce, na parapecie.
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Flower in a pot, on the windowsill.
Jest na szafie.
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It's on the wardrobe.
To jest na blacie kuchennym
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It's on the kitchen counter.
To jest na lodówce.
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It's on the fridge.
To jest na małym stoliku.
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It's on a small table.
To jest na parapecie.
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It's on the windowsill.
Ja rozumiem.
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I see.
Ja chce ciastko.
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I want a cake.
Ja chce cukiernia.
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I want a candy.
Gdzie są klucze?
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Where is keys?
Co za niespodzianka, spotkać cię tu.
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What a surprise to meet you in here.
Gdzie jest twój dom?
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Where is your house?
Jak długo zostaniesz w moim domu?
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How long will you stay in my house?
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Czy możemy się znowu spotkać?
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Can we meet again?
To jest dobry pomysł.
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That's a good idea.
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Let's go!
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Jutro wieczorem.
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Tomorrow evening.
Jutro rano.
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Tomorrow morning.
Jutro przyjdę do ciebie.
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I will come to you tomorrow.
Przyjadę do Ciebie.
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I will come to you.
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naduś, pchnij
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