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And yet, despite this, but even then, neverthelessA (fact). それなのに B (contrary to expectations).
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But, however, and yetA (situation). それでも B (opposite or contrary to A).
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If that's the case, if so, that being the case「A」「それなら B」
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① And thereupon, because of thatA (reason, cause). それで B (result).② And? Well? (used to trigger a response from the other person)「A」「それで, B」
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① Actually, now that you mention it, well「A」「それが B (contrary to A)」② However, in factA (plan). それが B (failed result)
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And as a result, because of thatA (situation). そこで B (consequence, opinion, request)
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Which reminds me, now that you mention it, on that subject, come to think of itA. そういえば B (reminded of by A).
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By the way, incidentally = ところでA. それはそうとB (not linked to A).
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In other words, namely, that isA すなわち A'Similar to つまり, however, cannot use すなわち to link to a conclusion.
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Listing 2 or more similar things to choose from A あるいは BFormal version of または
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But, however, still, for all thatA. だが B. Formal version of しかし and けれども
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Because, after all, butA だって BColloquial version of なぜなら, なぜかというと and どうしてというと.
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That is to say, that means (being a consequence of A)A. ということは B (determined by A).
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Because of (explaining the reason for A)A. というのは B (reason for A).
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Therefore, consequently, accordinglyA (reason). したがって B (result). Same as だから
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However, provided that, but (used when additing conditions and exceptions to the preceding sentence).A. ただし B.
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But, however, nevertheless (used when adding a question, doubt or condition to the previous sentence)A. ただ B.
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However (used when adding exceptions and/or conditions to the previous statement)A. もっとも B.(Similar to ただし)
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Furthermore, in addition (used to add more to the previous statement - no direct link to A required).A. なお B.
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Now. Well. (Used when changing to a new topic)A. さて B.
すると〜①くすりをぬった。すると痛みが治まった。②「私は外出していました。」 「すると,家には誰もいなかったんですね。」
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① ThereuponA (cause). すると B (being something that happened as an immediate, subsequent consequence of A).② So. Well.A. すると B (being something that can be deduced from A).
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In a word, in short, the point is that, put simplyA. 要すると B.(Similar to つまり)
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Moreover, furthermore(Nは) A. しかも B.(Similar to その上 and さらに - used more in conversation than おまけに)
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Besides, what's more, in addition, to make matters worse...(Nは) A. おまけに B.(Similar to その上 and さらに - used more in writing than しかも)
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By the way, incidentally (used to add a little more information to the previous statement)A. ちなみに B.

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