Monika 19th Jan

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Mogłoby być lepiej.
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It could be better.
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Julka przez kilka dni była chora.
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Julka was sick for a few days.
Ona była przeziębiona.
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She had a cold.
Ona jest chora na grypę.
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She is sick with the flu.
chorować na coś
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to be sick with sth
Moja sąsiadka jest chora na raka.
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My neighbour is sick with cancer.
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poczekaj, proszę
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hold on, please
brama jest uszkodzona / zepsuta
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the gate is broken
trzymaj się / bądź dzielna
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hang in there
Mój telefon jest zepsuty.
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My phone is broken.
zepsuć się
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to break down
Wczoraj zepsuł mi się telefon.
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Yesterday my phone broke down.
to break - broke - broken
zachorować na coś
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to get sick with sth
JZ jest zawsze zajęty.
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JZ is always busy.
parę dni
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A few days
do NOT say: few days
przez kilka dni
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for a few days
kilka dni temu
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a few days ago
Pojechaliśmy na kilka dni do Włoch.
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We went to Italy for a few days.
w końcu / koniec końców
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in the end
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keep it down
na końcu książki
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at the end of the book
pod koniec miesiąca
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at the end of the month
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sytuacja polityczna
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a political situation
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to predict
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a task
a difficult/an impossible task
to accomplish/perform/undertake/complete a task
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to add - added - added
od ... do...
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from ... to...
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zostać zaakceptowanym
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to get accepted
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pretty soon
całkiem dobre
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pretty good
Nie jestem pewien, czy zostanę przyjęty.
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I'm not sure if I get accepted.
z Europy
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from Europe
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Nie widziałem tego (jeszcze).
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I haven't seen it (yet).
jakiś czas temu
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a while ago
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a miscarriage
I had two miscarriages before I gave birth to my daughter.
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to miscarry / to have a miscarriage
She miscarried her first baby.
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it's a pity
jaka szkoda
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what a shame
ukończyć szkołę
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to graduate (FROM + school)
Czas z tobą zawsze (szybko) leci.
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Time with you always flies by.
ona nie da rady (np. przyjść na spotkanie)
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she won't make it
Przepraszam, nie dam rady.
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Sorry, I won't make it.
spotkanie / zjazd po latach
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a reunion
lista słownictwa
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a vocabulary list
Czy mógłbyś dodać nową listę słówek do mojego folderu na Fiszkotece?
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Could you please add a new vocabulary list to my folder on Fiszkoteka?
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a request
They received hundreds of requests for more information.
Nie mogę znaleźć ostatniej listy.
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I can't find the last list.
Mam dwoje dzieci.
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I have two children.
Ona lubi rysować.
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She likeS drawing.
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to paint
Oskar lubi grać w gry komputerowe.
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Oskar likes playing computer games.
dodaj 200 gramów mąki
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add 200 grams of flour
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a floor
She lives on the second floor.
W przyszłym tygodniu jedziemy w góry.
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We're going to the mountains next week.

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