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PV mierzyć się z kimś, próbować się z kimś, (podjąć taką próbę, startować)
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to take on
I feel I can take you on. I don't recommend taking on that bully, since he's bigger than you are.
PV wyłączyć się. (intransitive) To stop operating; to switch off.
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to go off
We were watching TV when suddenly the power went off. The light went off as the policemen entered the room.
otrząsnąć się, dojść do siebie
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to get over (sth)
She still can't get over her husband's death. I'm having problems getting over a bad cold.
PV przeboleć coś, pogodzić się z. To move on and accept things the way they are; to stop being concerned by or with something that is in the past or can't be changed. Often used as an imperative.
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to get over it
Look, I'm going to marry him whether you want me to or not. Get over it! She left you over three years ago, so you really need to get over it already!
PV wypróbować. to test something, to see if something works or is good enough wypróbować
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to try out
My husband is just trying out his new computer, which is why I hardly ever see him.

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