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I triggered the smoke alarm when I burned the potatoes.
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Eu disparei o alarme de fumaça quando eu queimava as batatas.
To pull the trigger.
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Para puxar o gatilho.
His experiences in Vietnam still haunt him.
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Suas experiências no Vietnã ainda o perseguem.
This restaurant was one of our old haunts.
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Este restaurante foi um dos nossos velhos assombrações.
A bombing raid.
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Um ataque de bombardeio.
The FBI said it had no plans to raid the suspect’s farm.
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O FBI disse que não tinha planos de atacar a fazenda do suspeito.
And now a live report from our roving reporter, Martin Jackson.
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E agora um relatório ao vivo de nosso repórter roving, Martin Jackson.
He wore a skin tight black muscle shirt, thick black jean pants, and gauntlets with open fingers.
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Ele usava uma camisa com músculos pretos apertados, calças grossas de jean preto e luvas com dedos abertos.
Textbooks are sent right from the warehouse to the schools.
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Os livros de texto são enviados diretamente do armazém para as escolas.
Let’s hope that common sense prevails.
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Esperemos que o senso comum prevalece.
I’ve used up my sick days, and if I take another day off they’ll dock me a day’s pay.
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Eu usei meus dias doentios, e se eu tirar outro dia de folga me atrapalharão um dia de pagamento.
A convoy of supply ships.
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Um comboio de navios de abastecimento.
Riot police were sent to prevent the mob from looting.
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Polícia de motim foi enviada para evitar que a multidão saqueasse.
Three men have been sentenced to prison for taking part in the robbery, but the loot was never recovered.
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Três homens foram condenados à prisão por terem participado do assalto, mas o saque nunca foi recuperado.
She breathed a sigh of relief when she finished her exams.
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Ela soltou um suspiro de alívio quando terminou os exames.
When airbags deploy, they save lives.
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Quando os airbags são implantados, eles salvam vidas.
We were assured that, barring unexpected developments, we would get the contract.
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Estávamos certos de que, excetuando desenvolvimentos inesperados, obteríamos o contrato.
An armed uprising.
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Uma revolta armada.
The school board voted to oust the school superintendent.
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O conselho da escola votou para expulsar o superintendente da escola.
He envisioned a partnership between business and government.
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Ele imaginou uma parceria entre empresas e governo.
Our request for assistance has been rebuffed.
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Nosso pedido de assistência foi rejeitado.
When I was a child, the summers seemed endless.
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Quando eu era criança, os verões pareciam infinitos.
Funding for public schools is something I don't take lightly.
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O financiamento para escolas públicas é algo que eu não levo levemente.
I hereby pronounce you man and wife.
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Eu declaro você homem e esposa.
The notion of a commonwealth, of a common good, is disappearing.
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A noção de uma comunidade, de um bem comum, está desaparecendo.
The package was loosely wrapped.
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A embalagem estava vagamente embrulhada.
She was late and went tearing around the house looking for her car keys.
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Ela estava atrasada e foi atirando pela casa procurando as chaves do carro.
Since last year, she has headlined at least 32 fundraising events.
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Desde o ano passado, ela liderou pelo menos 32 eventos de angariação de fundos.
Disposable diapers.
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Fraldas descartáveis.
The roads are clogged with holiday traffic.
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As estradas estão entupidas com o tráfego de férias.
There’s always a lot of grease when you cook lamb.
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Sempre há muita graxa quando você cozinha cordeiro.
Police are trying to trace the mother of the abandoned baby.
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A polícia está tentando rastrear a mãe do bebê abandonado.
There was a trace of a smile on his face.
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Havia um traço de sorriso no rosto.
The high level of adult illiteracy is seen as an indictment of the country’s education policy.
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O alto nível de analfabetismo dos adultos é visto como uma acusação sobre a política educacional do país.
An impressive performance.
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Uma performance impressionante.
The senator won by a landslide last year.
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O senador ganhou por um derrube no ano passado.
Let’s not dismiss the idea without discussing it.
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Não vamos descartar a idéia sem discutir isso.
For the second year, national lawmakers failed to enact environmental legislation.
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Pelo segundo ano, os legisladores nacionais não conseguiram promulgar legislação ambiental.
The streets in this district include South Central Los Angeles, where the riots broke out two years ago.
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As ruas deste distrito incluem South Central Los Angeles, onde os tumultos estouraram há dois anos.
they came here to seek shelter from biting winter winds. (sought - past)
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Eles vieram aqui para buscar abrigo contra os ventos de inverno mordendo. (procurado)
You need financial security in order to attain emotional well-being. (atteined - past)
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Você precisa de segurança financeira para alcançar o bem-estar emocional. (atingido - passado)
It is noteworthy that one third of students do not pay any tuition fees.
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Vale ressaltar que um terço dos alunos não paga nenhuma taxa de matrícula.
The continued supply of arms to the region will only worsen the situation.
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O fornecimento contínuo de armas na região só piorará a situação.
They didn't have time for (a) rehearsal before the performance.
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Eles não tiveram tempo para (a) ensaio antes da apresentação.
He bribed immigration officials and entered the country illegally.
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Ele subornou oficiais de imigração e entrou ilegalmente no país.
Grasshopper is a small insect.
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Grasshopper é um pequeno inseto.
He fed prisoners the same rations he fed his own troops.
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Ele alimentou os prisioneiros das mesmas rações que ele alimentou suas próprias tropas.
In the marketplace, you can barter for souvenirs by offering jeans and lipstick.
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No mercado, você pode trocar lembranças oferecendo jeans e batom.
Soy milk.
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Leite de soja.
We ate the leftovers cold the next day.
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Nós comemos os restos frio no dia seguinte.
Complaints of sexual harassment in the workplace have increased in recent years.
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As queixas de assédio sexual no local de trabalho aumentaram nos últimos anos.
Has the government been withholding crucial information?
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O governo tem retido informações cruciais?
Let’s not dismiss the idea without discussing it.
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Não vamos descartar a idéia sem discutir isso.
He asked that his name be withdrawn from nomination for a Golden Globe Award.
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Ele pediu que seu nome fosse retirado da indenização para um Prêmio Globo de Ouro.

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