Milena 26th March

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the twelfTH
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the Netherlands / Holland
Holender / Holenderka / holenderski
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Stolicą Holandii jest Amsterdam.
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The capital of the Netherlands is Amsterdam.
Trochę źle się dziś czuję.
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I'm a bit unwell today.
Jestem przeziębiony.
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I have a cold.
Zimno mi.
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I'm cold.
Wczoraj było mi zimno i dlatego się przeziębiłem.
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Yesterday I was cold and that's why I caught a cold.
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a goal
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the government
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a notar
to ciekawy zawód
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it's AN interesting profession
dobrze płatna praca
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a well-paid job
Szukam dobrze płatnej pracy.
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I'm searching for a well-paid work.
Jestem w pracy.
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I'm at work.
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On interesuje się polityką.
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He is interested in POlitics.
Mój wujek jest politykiem.
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My uncle is a politician.
Wracam do zdrowia.
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I'm on the mend.
wydobrzeć / wrócić do zdrowia
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to recover
jeść na mieście
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to eat out
z nimi
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with them
ich samochód
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their car
Malujemy to na żółto.
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We are painting it yellow.
Malujemy naszą kuchnię na niebiesko.
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We are painting our kitchen blue.

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