Marcin 8th Feb (40 min)

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It's an interesting book.
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to watch - watched
Poszedłem na spacer.
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I went FOR a walk.
Masz rację.
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You are right.
jechać na wycieczkę
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to go ON a trip
iść na randkę
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to go on a date
iść na koncert
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to go to a concert
wędzona ryba
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smoked fish
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zakończyć pracę
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to finish work
I finish work earlier yesterday.
dostać prezent
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to get a present
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a party
Let's go to a party tonight.
Czy chcesz napić się herbaty?
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Do you want TO have/drink some tea?
Jak leci?
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How is it going?
Nie chciała sprzedać samochodu.
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She didn't want to sell her car.
spalać kalorie
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to burn calories
How many calories did you burn?
Powinieneś był powiedzieć mi prawdę.
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You should have told me the truth.
to nie prawda
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it's not true
powiedzieć prawdę
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to Tell The Truth
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to lie
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to tell lies
Przestań kłamać.
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Stop lying.
Czy to prawdziwa historia?
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Is it a true story?
Czy to dobry samochód?
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Is it a good car?
To dobry samochód.
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It's a good car.
To ciekawa historia.
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It's AN interesting story.
To nudna historia.
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It's a boring story.
To jest jabłko.
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It's an apple.
To smaczne jabłko.
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It's a tasty apple.
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a buddy / a mate
Hi mate, how is it going?
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a lake district
etap (np. podróży)
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Przejechaliśmy przez Elbląg.
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We went through Elblag.
i tak dalej
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and so on
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Moja bateria pada.
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My battery is dying.
Muszę to podłączyć.
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I have to plug it in.
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a stranger
O co chodzi? / Co się stało?
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What's the matter?
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a comPUter
Potrafi robić piękne szaliki.
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She can make beautiful scarves.
w zeszłym tygodniu
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last week
Do not say: in the last week
Trzymam za Ciebie kciuki.
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I keep my fingers crossed for you.

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