Marcin 6th March (45 min)

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zbliżać się, podchodzić (do kogoś lub czegoś)
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to approach sth
The soldiers are approaching the enemy.
Miałeś dobry weekend?
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Did you have a good weekend?
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sit down / have a seat
dobry uczynek
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a good deed
zły uczynek
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a bad deed
To brzmi świetnie.
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It sounds great.
To brzmi jak dobry pomysł.
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It sounds like a good idea.
Co to za dzwięk?
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What's that sound?
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There's a lot of sand in this sandbox.
Jak napisać PIASEK?
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How to write SAND?
Jak się pisze SAND?
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What's the spelling of SAND?
Jak wymawia się to słowo?
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What's the pronunciation of this word?
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to pronounce
I don't know how to pronounce this word.
Jak wymówić to słowo?
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How to pronounce this word?
Kto jest w łazience?
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Who's in the bathroom?
I don't believe you. I think you're lying.
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to believe
She doesn't believe in God.
Muszę podłączyć komputer.
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I've go to plug in my computer. / I have to plug in my computer.
The printer will begin to work as soon as you plug it in.
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kłaść się spać
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to go to sleep
in winter
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w czasie zimy
Moja żona jest odpowiedzialna za podlewanie roślin.
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My wife is responsible for waterING plants.
Kto jest odpowiedzialny za zmywanie naczyń w Twojej rodzinie?
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Who's responsible FOR doing the dishes in your family?
Co za świetny pomysł!
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What a great idea!
Jakie mądre dziecko.
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What a smart child.
Jaki wysoki mężczyzna.
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What a tall man.
Jaki ciekawy film.
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What an interesting film.
Jaka nudna książka.
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What a boring book.
Jaki drogi samochód.
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What an expensive car.
Moja żona ma piękne cycki.
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My wife has beautiful tits.
Dobrej nocy.
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Have a good night.

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