Lesson 5: My average day

 0    20 flashcards    Milan Pupezin
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Question Answer
Do you write emails at work?
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Czy piszesz e-maile w pracy?
I write emails at work.
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Piszę e-maile w pracy.
Do you make phone calls at work?
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Czy telefonujesz w pracy?
I make phone calls at work.
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Używam telefon w pracy.
Do you have meetings?
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Czy masz spotkania?
I have meetings.
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Mam spotkania.
I don't have meetings.
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Nie mam spotkań
Do you give presentations?
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Czy dajesz prezentacje?
I give presentations.
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Prowadzę prezentacje.
I don't give presentations.
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Nie prowadzę prezentacji.
Do you meet customers?
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Czy spotykasz się z klientami?
I meet customers.
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Spotykam się z klientami.
Do you play tennis with the boss?
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Czy grasz w tenisa z szefem?
I play tennis with the boss. And I win.
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Gram w tenisa z szefem. I wygrywam.
Do you go swimming?
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Czy chodzisz pływać?
I go swimming.
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Do you watch TV?
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Czy oglądasz telewizję?
I watch TV.
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Oglądam telewizję.
Do you eat out?
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Czy jadasz na mieście?
I eat out.
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Jadam na mieście.

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