Lesson 21.10.20

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wash your hands
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myć dłonie
put a mask
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załóż maskę
hand sanitizer
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sanityzer dłoni
cover your mouth
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zakryj usta
avoid stress
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unikać stresu
avoid sick people
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unikać chorych ludzi
avoid shaking hands
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unikać podawania rąk
How the baby is growing?
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Jak rośnie dziecko?
How are you?
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Jak się masz?
What about your family?
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Co z twoją rodziną?
What about your daughter?
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Co u córki?
What time is it?
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Która godzina?
What about your plans for Christmas?
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A co z twoimi planami na Boże Narodzenie?
What about you?
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A ty?
What's your name?
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Jak masz na imię?
Where do you live?
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Gdzie pan(i) mieszka?
How much is it?
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Ile to kosztuje?
What happened?
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Co się stało?
Where are you from?
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Skąd pochodzisz?
How old are you?
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Ile pan(i) ma lat?
Where do you work?
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Gdzie pan(i) pracuje?
I'm 27 years old.
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Mam 27 lat.
What is your job?
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Kim jesteś z zawodu?
I don't smoke.
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Nie palę.
I am interested in photography.
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Interesuję się fotografią.
What are you interested in?
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Czym się interesujesz?
I'm from Poland.
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Ja jestem z Polski
My hobby is reading books.
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Moje hobby to czytanie książek.
What is your hobby?
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Jakie jest Twoje hobby?
How was your trip?
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Jak minęła Panu podróż?
How was your flight?
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Jak (przebiegł) twój lot?
How long was the flight?
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Ile czasu trwał lot?
I got up at two a.m.
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Wstałam o drugiej w nocy.
I've been traveling since two in the morning.
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Jestem w podróży od drugiej w nocy.
How many baggage have you got?
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Ile masz bagażu?
I have got one handbag.
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Mam jedną torebkę.
What was the weather?
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Jaka była pogoda?
You're doing OK?
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Robisz dobrze?
I work for KiWi Company.
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Pracuję dla firmy KiWi.
Good morning to you all.
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Dzień dobry wszystkim.

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